Everything starts here: “Billy comes from thousands of stages …”, Margaux Aguilar responds to the confrontation between Romain Valdine and its character

Everything starts here: “Billy comes from thousands of stages …”, Margaux Aguilar responds to the confrontation between Romain Valdine and its character

Everything starts here, the Roman Chief Valdaine (Luigi Cerer) shows his true look … under the air of the ideal son, -the character hides a very aggressive person. Penloop (Lauren Paselina) now knows something about it.

The novel reveals its dark part

Based on Tom (Tom Darmon) and Billy (Margaux Aguillar), Romain is seduced by the latter and sleeps with it. In addition to having a major interested party already fallen in love for two years: Emmy (Lorin Noun)! But it was careful not to say it …

Colina (Tallina Boyce) realizes that Romein is playing in two drawings and talking about it. Again he is violent in his attitude and words. He commands no one to repeat it and threatens it! At the same time, Colina decides to tell her everything about Billy.

“We see the first sign of physical violence”

For the latter this is a cold shower … When he has just broke the tribe with pain, Billy states Romsin’s explanations and his reaction is unacceptable! Margaux Aguillar also comments on this argument to allow this argument, which does not indicate anything to the future.

Actor (whom we doubted to go soon, it all begins) our microphone declares: “When Collina reveals everything, Billy comes from thousands of floors. We cannot say that he wanted to keep a couple with the novel in the sense that they barely know each other. They were in a hurry to announce that he wanted to be with him … but he was sincere.

If she knew about the relationship between the novel and Emmy, the girl who knows that Billy would never go because she was very focused on sororrhea. So there, this is the first betrayal of Romin. He also opposes him and we see the first sign of physical violence against him …“, Completed Margaux Aguillar.

Will the case get worse? This is very strong … here to follow it all starts.

Source: Allocine

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