Marvel: Special Effects Employee Reports Abusive Conduct by Studios

Gigantic changes are ordered weeks before the release of productions, according to the artist

A visual effects artist denounced the working conditions of the employees responsible for creating the computer graphics for the company’s productions. marvel studios. In an interview with Vulturethe unnamed official justified the criticism the franchise has been receiving for its low-quality computer graphics (CGI).

The professional highlighted that the division of Kevin Feige, the studio’s president, often orders massive changes weeks before the release of his features and shows. “A month or two before release, they ask us to change the entire third act,” said the digital artist.

The sudden drastic changes become clear in the last titles of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) as Black Widow (2021) and She-Hulk: Attorney at Law (2022), which has yet to be released but has received mixed reviews for its spotty special effects.

the studios of VFX they present budgets for Marvel and, according to information from the professional, the studios always end up opting for the cheapest. This economy, however, takes a heavy toll on artists, who are forced to work long overtime with extremely small crews.

“All Marvel projects tend to have fewer people than necessary. While I usually work in teams of ten artists on films from other studios, at Marvel it’s two people, including me,” said the artist, who said he also witnessed colleagues crying after working weeks without rest on productions.

In his complaint, the artist said that several colleagues who worked on the label’s early productions told stories of producers demanding changes in minimal details of the films, but that the orders came without a clear direction so that the work could be done.

The studio’s preference for directors with little experience in the field also adds to this problematic scenario. “As we work on a film, we send in unfinished footage that doesn’t look pretty but shows where we are. You can’t show something super pretty when the basics are still being developed.”

Finally, the professional reinforced that Marvel Studios is an important customer for visual effects companies and that those that do not follow the studio’s wishes are barred from future productions.

recent complaints

While it’s one of the most profitable franchises in movie history, this isn’t the first time an employee has commented on the company’s abusive relationship. marvel studios with the special effects workers.

On July 11, the former special effects technician Dhruv Govil also denounced, on his Twitter, the abusive working conditions provided. The producer received credit for his work on Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) and Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017).

The problem is that Marvel is too big. They can demand whatever they want, and effects companies have to take the job. It’s a toxic relationship.

Source: Rollingstone