Movie Opinion Generator for Twitter excels at not using artificial intelligence

Twitter is full of controversial opinions about movies, with users discussing topics involving names of directors and actors and details about the film industry.

And this is where the “film twitter take generator” comes into play, which can be translated as “film opinion generator”, a tool that reproduces this type of discourse. The new generator was created by user @garaboldin after others started making fun of ChatGPT and AI text generators.

— ozu enjoyment (@standardspeeds) January 18, 2023

Last night @standardspeeds wrote: “I used Chat GTP [sic] and AI to create this interesting Twitter version of the movies, potentially saving hours: James Gray is average. So @garaboldin took an old phrase and variable generator,, and formatted it to generate common cinematic opinion from Twitter, involving much-discussed films and directors.

The result impressed a cinephile portion of Twitter for its closeness to what can be seen in the controversial opinions on films screened daily on the social network. In an interview with mashable, @garaboldin explained what he did to create the generator. “I just winged it… throwing anything that sounds overly safe and variables that would make it extremely stupid,” which is often an apt description of most movies on Twitter.

The Twitter Movie Generator is the most fun of anything made with AI. All it takes to have a great generator is someone with extensive knowledge on the subject. It also has the added benefit of being separate from all ethical issues surrounding AI.

“The more variables there are, the harder it is to make something plausible, but it also makes it more satisfying,” @garaboldin continued. “Some sentences are just ‘this film is good’, but others have a film, a director, a group of people and an adjective which is how you get ‘the French won’t stop paying for Nightmare time while leaving the dark Knight to fail.”

You can test the tool here. Unfortunately, it’s only available in English.

The post Movie Opinion Generator for Twitter stands out for not using artificial intelligence that first appeared on Olhar Digital.

Source: Olhar Digital