Categories: Music

Naldo Benny denies his reputation as a liar: “It’s my story”

Singer has also promised to release a song on the subject for April 1st

Turning and moving you come across a video of the singer Naldo Benny tell a rather far-fetched story. These stories usually include famous people like Chris Brown, Will Smith, Gisele Bündchen and even Michael Jackson.

After appearing on podcasts and going viral with the revelations, the funk singer said he’s irritated by the fame as a storyteller he’s gained on the internet in recent weeks.

“There’s a video of me with Will Smith in Fasano, I sang ‘Bad Boy’ with him, there’s a video, and people think it’s a lie. I met Chris Brown, he said I was his brother, he followed me on Instagram, I registered with Ivete Sangalo, Zezé di Camargo, Mano Brown, and there is no way to delete it. It’s my story. Anyone who says it’s a lie is talking about a slut. It has become a meme”, yes he vented in an interview on the Estação Banda FM program, last Tuesday, 21.

The singer also said he is not affected by the repercussions, which are sometimes negative. “It’s something I could be bad at, but I’ve managed to hold the wave. But I bring it to people to not doubt themselves. Even if people make fun of it, you have to always believe in it,” he added.

Naldo intends to take advantage of the wave of attention he is receiving on the networks by publishing the song ‘Pega na mentira’ on April 1st, April 1st. He’s even promised a clip that will explore all of this furor over the past few months.

Source: Terra