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Expert says AI will make scary leap in 800 days

AI will take a giant leap forward! In 800 days, the artificial intelligence will reach the complexity of philosophy. It’s not months or weeks. They are days. So, this means that business leaders who wait to see if “this AI thing” will work will no longer be able to understand the competitive landscape in three years. In fact, everything will be too fast. The prophecy is Silvio Meirathe chief scientist of, professor emeritus of Federal University of Pernambuco and one of the founders of Porto Digitalthe center of excellence in innovation in Recife.

Silvio is also on the board of companies such as Magazine Luiza, MRV, Tempest and CI&T. “Between Linear B writing (the oldest known form of Greek) and Plato, it took 1,200 years,” says Meira. “Between online Artificial Intelligence and the equivalent of a contemporary Plato, it will take something like 1,200 days. It’s not 1,200 months, nor 1,200 weeks. It’s 1,200 days.”

So we are already around day 400, taking into account the launch of ChatGPT. An epic launch, which has already gone down in history as the information system that reached 100 million users the fastest. “100 million people doing you know what? Training an information system. For free,” says Silvio.

AI will make a leap, but it is still in the stone age

Even though AI has already reached a third of the scale he imagined, Silvio himself says that we are still in the chipped stone age of AI. This is because, when ChatGPT was launched, the model was capable of processing 4 thousand tokens. The token is a measure that defines the amount of information that the AI ​​model can pay attention to in order to maintain a coherent interaction with people.

More recently the Google launched the Gemini, with a capacity of 700 thousand tokens. In such a way that it has enough token to process 60% of the entire Encyclopedia Britannica. By 2030, Meira says there will be billions of tokens, capable of understanding all Portuguese content created in the world at all times. Later, in 2040, there will be trillions of tokens.

Meanwhile, companies still need to understand the basics: artificial intelligence is not a tool. It is an extension of intelligence, and that means people cannot be replaced. It will also mean a transformation of business, to the point where we will create a one-person market. Silvio doesn’t mince words to make his point.

Not even with little ones…

“If you are a small company and you are not using artificial intelligence that is in the open cloud, which will not give you training, configuration, security work, you are an idiot.”

Not even with the big ones…

“If you’re a big company, a bank, a big retail chain, big finance business, big university system and you’re using an AI business that’s in the cloud, you’re an idiot too.”

Source: Atrevida