Controversy in the country? the artist refuses the duet with Roberto Carlos

Controversy in the country? the artist refuses the duet with Roberto Carlos

‘Rei’ also opened up the possibility for other musical artists to have their own end-of-year specials on Globo

Singer Roberto Carlos, who has not yet renewed with TV Globo for 2025, has decided to offer a great opportunity for other musical artists to perform end of year specials on the station, as reported by the magazine I wait.

One such artist is country star Luan Santana. According to the magazine, the singer’s team even offered a format for an end-of-year special Globe for next year, but the Rio broadcaster has so far nevertheless expressed its interest.

But the column Peoplefrom the I waithas carried out a surprising investigation: Luan Santana would have refused an invitation to sing with him Roberto Carlos in 2024, because he didn’t want to perform the duet live, something like that King remains a requirement.

The consultancy of Luan Santana contacted the I wait denying information that the country singer had been invited or even refused to sing on the special Roberto Carlos.

Right now, Luan Santana is involved in advertising commitments for his perfume line and a brand project Stanley.

Roberto Carlos would have discovered millionaire losses in his companies

It is not news that Roberto Carlos has appointed an audit firm to investigate alleged misappropriations of values ​​in his companies. The King also entrusted his career to Erasmo Carlos’ son, Leo Esteves, whom he has known since he was a child.
The partnership between Roberto and Leo, which had a pre-established deadline, ended up becoming something definitive, and he would be one of the pillars in discovering the alleged deviations in the King’s affairs.

According to the editorialist Daniele Nascimentoof the newspaper O Dia, sources reported that the singer was outraged because, according to them, with Leo’s help, the king would have discovered a hole in his business that could reach almost R$ 100 million.

According to our sources, Roberto Carlos is trying to recover the stolen sum, without having to go to court.

Source: Terra

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