Dangerous mistakes when brushing your teeth – you make them too

What can go wrong with something as familiar as brushing your teeth? It turns out a lot. We tell you the main misconceptions.

Check your habits.

Do not take care! In our articles, we collect the latest scientific data and the opinions of authoritative health experts. But remember: only a doctor can diagnose and prescribe treatment.

Myth 1: You should brush your teeth right after breakfast.

When to brush properly: before or after breakfast is a controversial topic. And there is no right answer to this question. It is wise to eliminate bacteria before eating, as food is a breeding ground for them, which can increase the risk of developing cavities. The benefit of brushing your teeth after breakfast is the removal of food particles and pigments and a fresh mouth before the next meal.

The main thing to remember is that you should brush your teeth not immediately after breakfast, but at least after 20 minutes, and preferably after half an hour. This time is necessary to restore the acid-base balance. Food acid makes the enamel sensitive and it takes time for saliva to neutralize its action.

Myth 2: You should rinse your mouth after brushing

You might be surprised, but after brushing your teeth, just spit out the excess paste and never rinse your mouth! The fact is that with increased rinsing, all the useful and protective elements contained in the paste are washed out, and the teeth are not sufficiently protected.

Myth 3: Brushing your teeth twice a day is enough.

In fact, brush your teeth after every main meal. Morning and evening is the minimum. And, by the way, in no case can you skip evening cleaning – less saliva is released at night, which means that fluoride from the paste is washed off more slowly and strengthens your teeth better. Don’t forget to also use dental floss, the brush thing doesn’t clean everything, and a special tongue scraper.

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Source: The Voice Mag