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This morning symptom will warn you for a few days of a stroke: you can’t ignore it!

We learn to recognize the body’s SOS signals and come to its aid in time.

There is a Russian proverb: “If you knew where you would fall, you would throw straws there. This seems particularly annoying in the context of health problems: when you miss the opportunity to prevent the problem in advance and end up facing a whole series of unpleasant consequences.

Do not take care! In our articles, we collect the latest scientific data and the opinions of authoritative health experts. But remember: only a doctor can diagnose and prescribe treatment.

The insidiousness of many diseases, including strokes, lies precisely in the fact that they arise suddenly – simply without giving a person the opportunity to spread this chaff. However, in some cases, a dangerous disease associated with the death of brain cells still makes itself felt in advance.

There is a symptom that warns us of a possible attack even a few days in advance. It manifests itself in a short-term outbreak in the morning, so often people simply do not perceive it as something serious. We are talking about a complete or partial loss of vision for a short time immediately after waking up, which is not accompanied by any other unpleasant sensations.

“Ocular strokes can be a harbinger of a more serious stroke in the near future. Small vessels become clogged causing a person to have vision problems,” Harvard Health experts said.

Most patients noted that the loss of vision immediately after sleep was observed only in one eye and described this pathology as a “dark spot” or a “strange” shadow. When such symptoms appear, doctors advise not to hesitate and immediately consult a doctor. Even though a stroke can be prevented, such conditions are fraught with serious vision problems.

Photo: Jen Theodore/Unsplash

Source: The Voice Mag

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