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Why Headaches Lead to Aging and Dementia: An Excerpt from a New Book by Dr. Bubnovsky

Dr. Bubnovsky is a well-known expert on longevity and natural methods of maintaining health. A new book by a specialist, “You Can’t Forbid Long Life”, is devoted to explaining the relationship between particular ailments and the work of various organs, as well as how to improve your well- be without serious medical interventions. Here is an excerpt from it – explaining why it is so dangerous not to pay attention to the elimination of headaches.

The average person on Earth is not ready to live a long, healthy life.

The vast majority of people associate old age with the inevitable physical decay and loss of physical condition. So we see old people with sagging bodies, shaking hands and watery eyes, moving with a little shuffling gait already after 65-70 years. And it is the most unfortunate dementia! Where does this come from, if recently a person was completely normal, and his parents too?

The loss of a healthy body with age is seen by most as quite normal, as it should be. But not only a healthy body is lost – first of all, muscles are lost, and with them the vessels through which oxygen-enriched blood flows, which is a nutrient medium for all organs and tissues. Nobody pays attention to this, including doctors, who know well that the muscles are a system for moving the body in space, and not a transport system, mainly for the heart and the brain.


Unlike the heart, the brain does not have its own muscles, and its nutrition, and therefore the volume and speed of blood circulation in the vessels, does not depend so much on the heart, as is commonly believed, but on the muscles of the body. , among which the muscles of the shoulder girdle can be highlighted. The functioning of these muscles is especially important in the second half of life, when cardiac activity drops sharply. That is, the performance of gymnastics, which mainly activates the muscles of the shoulder girdle, should be a priority in medical appointments for people who become weaker with age.

But instead, doctors in the vast majority of cases prescribe drugs that prevent high blood pressure and help lower blood sugar and cholesterol.

The most interesting thing is that regular use of such drugs does not save people from hypertension or type 2 diabetes, and even more so from vascular atherosclerosis. These diseases continue to develop, but patients do not stop taking the drugs prescribed by doctors, because they are afraid to live without them. There is a sort of withdrawal syndrome, as in alcoholics: the patients no longer know how to live without these drugs. Therefore, I always recommend not a refusal, but a replacement. For example, instead of a blood pressure pill, do squats while holding onto the back of a chair. In any case, that’s what any reasonable person should do when choosing a different approach to treating illnesses, if the medications they were taking regularly stopped helping. You just need to know how to replace them so that the effect of the seam on the soap does not occur, as is usually the case when replacing one strong drug with another.

culture of health

A person who does not regularly perform physical exercises that preserve the muscular system, which usually develops before the age of 20-22 (athletes are an exception), begins to lose muscle after 22 and does not even think that ‘by doing so it destroys the transport system that transports blood to the organs.

The question arises: what physiological mechanisms ensure the functioning of the brain? Is it only due to the myocardium – the muscles of the heart? Unlikely: this muscle only suffices to eject blood into the aorta. Then the gravity mechanisms and the second peripheral heart are activated, which physiologists refer to skeletal muscles (more about this is written in the book “Osteochondrosis is not a sentence!”) Those who do not know or understand this turn to cardiologists after 35-40 years and doctors prescribe drugs that artificially support the vascular system. They call it a cure. But every year there are more and more medicines and less and less health.

Sooner or later the drugs stop helping, and then cardiologists are replaced by heart surgeons with their stents, bypasses and other so-called new technologies that promote ill health.

But back to the subject of the story – the headaches. I draw a parallel between chronic headaches, most of which are associated with hypoxia of the cerebral vessels, that is, an insufficient supply of “fresh” oxygenated blood, and the active work of the muscles of the trunk and, above all, of the muscles of the belt of the upper limbs, eliminating this hypoxia. It is this group of muscles, which we will talk about in more detail in a special section, that pumps, like pumps, oxygen-enriched blood from the lungs, which is so badly needed by brain vessels that are constantly working.

As long as a person is able to think, his cerebral vessels need “fresh” blood. The average individual, that is to say the one who thinks little about health, is helped to forget this undeniable good by two organs constantly in activity which control the maintenance of the vital functions of the organism in an autonomous way, it that is, without the participation of a strong voluntary center. This is the myocardium – the main heart muscle, which constantly and independently works, and the respiratory diaphragm, which works as long as the heart beats, is also offline.

The question arises: how long will these two bodies be able to operate independently, without external support? This question begs another: how long will the quality of human health last?

As I have already pointed out, the human body develops and grows automatically until the age of 20-22, no matter what a person does, and until the period of growth of bones, cartilage and other connective tissues, he cannot be considered an adult. . Nature is responsible for this. Naturally, this stage of growth can be greatly enhanced by creating a reserve for the future, and after the end of this period, use what has grown, or develop and improve yourself and your body. And here the modern science of physiotherapy comes to our aid.

I consider myself and my colleagues in modern physiotherapy to be specialists who study health problems professionally. We build all our arguments in favor of exercises to get out of chronic diseases on the knowledge of natural disciplines and, above all, of normal and pathological physiology.

The study of a pathological physiology, that is, a consequence without substantiating the cause, for example, the diagnosis of “osteochondrosis” by a doctor without understanding the role of non-active muscles of the spine, leads to the appointment of analgesics that temporarily relieve pain , but at the same time have a destructive effect on blood vessels, while some exercises also have an analgesic effect on the spine and at the same time strengthen blood vessels.

The path you choose or the doctor you go to see is up to you. Personally, I have always offered and continue to offer a natural path to recovery, which only seems difficult at first, but which in the future brings undeniable satisfaction. But the fast, that is, medicinal way of healing sooner or later leads not only to depression, but also to the voluntary self-destruction of organs and systems in turn.

Source: The Voice Mag

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