Netflix has been dropped by an excellent director

The Italian director first collaborated with Netflix when he released his most personal film, The Hand of God, last December.

Paolo Sorrentino, who is in Cannes, shared his opinion on cinema and the different modes of its consumption. In a debate on the festival’s 75th anniversary, he made it clear that he would not renew his partnership with Netflix and more broadly advocated the return of cinema to theaters.

He was joined in the debate over the future of cinema by Romanian director Christian Mungiu, Franco-Greek Costa Gavras and Mexican Guillermo del Toro, who is preparing to release his Pinocchio on Netflix later this year. Regarding his experience working with the platform, Sorrentino said:I do not think this will be what I will do again“, Reports BFM.

His film “God’s Hand”, presented in Venice in September 2021, won the Silver Lion – Grand Jury Prize. It is also his most personal film to date and one that gives all the keys to his cinematic reading. He arranges for Fabieto (Filippo Scott), his teenage alter ego, when he experiences tragedy: the accidental death of his parents. Located in Naples in the 1980s, Maradona arrived at a city club, Aunt needs children and a colorful family.

I trained on a few pillars, I made films for movies, for television, but in the end, what I prefer is to make films as a start. Only on the big screen can we find the full power of the story. Television is not a good place to do great, beautiful things.

The Neapolitan is particularly concerned with the series he created and directed with the young Pope and the new Pope Jude Law and John Malkovich. And add:People get tired of watching movies at home and they go back to the movies“.

Source: allocine