Eric Dane on Euphoria’s Character’s Double Life: “I Know Very Well I’m a Straight Actor Playing a Gay Character”

In the first season of Sam Levinson’s teen drama. ფIphoriaEric Dane Cal Jacobs enters an aggressive scene with Jules (Hunter Schafer), a date his character secretly films. “We created a safe environment to explore such a violent and aggressive act and feel comfortable in it,” recalls Dane. This season, Kali seeks to obtain stolen footage of her secret sexual encounters, which drives her into an alcohol-soaked mania.

The prospect of her discovering her sexuality comes as a surprise: One episode begins with Kali’s high school years and the start of an affair she had with her best friend Derek, ends with the news that Kali’s girlfriend (and later wife) is pregnant. “It helped to see the chemistry between young Kale and Derek,” Dane said. “It was a really heartbreaking moment for them. Equally painful when Cal returns to the bar and is not accepted by the community. He is a man without a nation. He is no longer accepted by the direct community and is not accepted by the gay community. ”

Dane marks the fate that Kali begins as he walks down memory lane, looking back at the old bar where he and Derek kissed before embarking on a life of heteronormativity. After being expelled by the hostilities, Kali goes home, where she urinates in her hallway and cuelga de her pene aún en los pantalones, calling a striking monologue to her family in the sale of the closet and revealing the secrets she had. your family. concealment.

“Kali lives this double life, defending this facade that has everything on the outside controllable and intact, and everything on the inside is a battle of epic proportions,” Dane said. “I’ve had battles in the past that led me to lead this secret life. I accepted the invitation wholeheartedly. “While the circumstances may not be exactly the same, the feelings really are.”

early ფIphoriaDane became famous for playing the sex symbol “Maxtim” dressed in a towel Gray’s anatomy. Cal Jacobs will definitely introduce Dan to a more challenging character to live with, though he has been hailed as an icon by a new set of viewers. “I know very well that I’m a straight actor playing a gay character,” Dane said. “The gay community has been very supportive of me. I think I voted for them in the personification of this character and I hope that everything they do is sincere because I don’t want to misrepresent what is so important.”

The story first appeared in a separate June issue of The Hollywood Reporter. Click here to subscribe to the magazine.

Source: Hollywood Reporter