EntertainmentThe Town: Find out which artists have already landed in BrazilSome international artists from The Town’s line-up have already received fans at the airportstoday at 12:41

EntertainmentThe Town: Find out which artists have already landed in BrazilSome international artists from The Town’s line-up have already received fans at the airportstoday at 12:41

Some international artists from The Town’s line-up have already received fans at airports

Some artists who will perform at the The Town already landed in Brazil. This weekend, the line-up of the festival has Post Malone, Demi Lovato, Iggy Azalea, Bruno Mars It is baby rhexa on the main stage.

post malone

post malone arrived on the morning of this Friday, the 1st. He landed at Afonso Pena International Airport, in Curitiba, and welcomed the fans with smiles. The rapper has a concert scheduled for tonight in Curitiba, at Pedreira Paulo Leminski, and will also play on the Skyline stage at The Town tomorrow.

Demi Lovato

Demi Lovato also performs this Saturday, 2nd, on the Skyline stage. She arrived this morning at Guarulhos International Airport, in São Paulo, and left the landing gates recording the reaction of the fans, to whom she waved.

The singer’s name has been mentioned a lot in recent days, after Luisa Sonza launch partnership with Lovato. In “cliff2”the American artist sings in clear Portuguese.

Bruno Mars

fans speculate that Bruno Mars, with shows scheduled for this Sunday, the 2nd, and next week’s Sunday, the 10th, is already in Brazil. The singer would have been more discreet and got into a car right on the runway at Guarulhos International Airport this Friday morning.

Source: Rollingstone

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