Buffy the Vampire Slayer : James Marsters’ Memories
Aired for seven seasons between 1997 and 2003, Buffy the Vampire Slayer is a cult series driven by strong and modern themes. The show quickly entered popular culture and continues to be analyzed and commented on. Because Joss Whedon’s creation isn’t just about a high school student with superhuman strength fighting evil. It’s about coming of age, loss, responsibility, trauma, relationships, the place of women and relationships with men, sexuality, and much more.
Sarah Michelle Gellar is undeniably the star of the series, as she plays the heroine. But James Marsters He enjoyed great popularity among the public even playing the vampire spikeBuffy’s first enemy before falling in love with her.
Recently, the interpreter of Spike has met up again with another legendary figure of the 2000s series, Michael Rosenbaum, the interpreter of Lex Luthor in Smallville (2001-2011). It’s in the podcast Inside you of the latter that James Marsters returned to his work in Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and more specifically to a sequence that was, for him, very difficult to shoot. A real”personal hell“who does he think would have it?”destroyed” and it would have resulted in send him to therapy.
Spike’s Attack on Buffy
As you might suspect, this is the scene of Passion redepisode 19 of season 6, where Spike attacks Buffy in her bathroom. The vampire tries to kiss her, but the heroine pushes him away, before he returns and tries to rape her. A sequence that has left its mark on the audience, but which is not at all gratuitous. Because it allows us to highlight how toxic the relationship between the two characters is, despite the sympathy we may feel for Spike throughout the seasons.
It is first interesting to learn from James Marsters that it was a screenwriter who came up with the idea for this scene. The production asked the writing teams to imagine their worst day and a grave mistake they had made in their lives, and to draw something metaphorical from it.
One of the writers came up with this idea because she broke up with her ex in college and went to his house thinking that if they had sex one more time, everything would work out. She forced things and he had to take her out of the house. It was one of the most painful memories of this time in her life.
“I don’t audition for that kind of thing.”
The fact remains that the filming of this passage was done by James Marsters”the darkest professional day of (his) life“, because the representation of sexual violence on screen is a problem for him.
I don’t like scenes of sexual predation or anything like that. I also don’t audition for that kind of thing. If there’s a movie with that kind of content, I won’t watch it. If the movie’s on TV, I have to turn the TV off before I break it. I have a very visceral reaction to that kind of stuff.
However, the actor could not refuse to shoot this sequence, due to his contract. James Marsters still wanted to warn the writers about the impact this scene could have on the audience, who totally identifies with Buffy. From that moment on, by physically attacking Buffy, James Marsters did it in a certain sense also to the spectators. Everyone then risked having”a very different reaction“according to him.
Sarah Michelle Gellar also talked about this scene in The Hollywood Journalistrevealing that he did not want to review season six as a whole.
Source: Cine Serie
Ray Ortiz is a journalist at Gossipify, known for his coverage of trending news and current events. He is committed to providing readers with accurate and unbiased reporting, and is respected for his ability to keep readers informed on the latest news and issues.