Released in 2023, this much-criticized horror film is available on Netflix

Released in 2023, this much-criticized horror film is available on Netflix

A long-awaited return that turns into a fiasco

Released in October 2023, The Exorcist: Devotiondirected by David Gordon Greenpresented itself as the direct sequel to the horrible masterpiece of William Friedkin published in 1973. This new production, supported by Universal AND Blumhouseaimed to relaunch the famous franchise with a modern approach that respected its legacy, as Green had done the Halloween saga.

The film followed the story of two young girls who were victims of demonic possession and whose families turned to them for help Chris MacNeilembodied by Ellen Burstynreturns after 50 years of absence. A direct legacy, which had something to seduce fans from the beginning.

However, upon its release, the reception was disastrous. Critics unanimously highlighted a flat plot, insipid dialogue and above all a palpable lack of tension, far from the visceral anguish that characterized the original film. Visually, Devotion it lacked identity, falling into the clichés of modern horror cinema without managing to capture the subtlety that had been the strength of the first part.

Commercially the film also disappointed. With a Budget of 30 million dollars and massive marketing, expectations were high. Still, The Exorcist: Devotion only reported $137 million at the global box office, a mixed score for a franchise of this magnitude. On specialized sites the observation is equally severe: 23% positive reviews ON Rotten tomatoes and notes from spectators around 2 out of 5 stars.

A failure with serious consequences for the saga

Faced with this resounding failure, David Gordon Greeneven though he was supposed to direct a new trilogy, he decided to do so withdraw from the project. Originally planned to be the first installment of an ambitious series, The Exorcist: Devotion he left his studies in trouble.

The sequel, entitled The Exorcist: The Deceiverhad already been announced for 2025. However, following Green’s departure, the studios decided to completely rethink the direction of the franchise. It’s now Mike Flanagandirector known for his subtle and psychological approach to horror with works such as The Haunting of Hill House AND Doctor Sleepwho was chosen to take over the reins of the saga.

Mike Flanagan has already announced that he wants to move away from easy jump scares and go back to a psychological horror more engaging and oppressive, in the spirit of the original film. Its more intimate approach, focused on the exploration of deep fears and family traumas, could well restore the prestige of this iconic franchise.

Source: Cine Serie

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