Tonight on TV: the most realistic disaster film of recent years

Tonight on TV: the most realistic disaster film of recent years

The Day After: a believable end of the world

From independence Dayreleased in 1996, director Roland Emmerich is a master of the art of imagining worst-case scenarios that would lead to the end of the world. After the alien invasion, there was a new ice age that shook the world The next day released in 2004. Other disaster feature films followed: 2012and finally The moon goes down.

The next day is a film apart in Roland Emmerich’s filmography, as it redefined the cinematic genre of disaster films. Address the topic of climate changethis film stands out for its surprising realism, years before the ecological issue was at the center of concern.

The film follows the story of Jack Hall, a climatologist played by Dennis Quaid, in a world where abrupt climate changes lead to devastating natural disasters. The narrative focuses on the survival, resilience and desperate efforts of Jack, who predicted a new ice age, to save his son Sam, played by Jake Gyllenhaal, trapped in a frozen New York and threatened with destruction. In addition to saving the latter, he will also have to convince the President to evacuate the country to save millions of people.

Realistic and impressive scenes

The next day features impressive sequences of destruction, such as the gigantic tsunami that hit New York, killing millions of people.

In terms of realism, The next day stands out in Roland Emmerich’s filmography for its serious and thoughtful approach to natural disasters. Unlike the director’s other works, often characterized by a lighter tone or a predilection for the second degree, this film approaches the subject with A severity and intensity which strengthen its impact on the viewer.

The film was also a commercial success. With an estimated production budget of $125 million, The next day it grossed nearly $550 million global box officeRoland Emmerich’s third biggest hit, after independence Day AND 2012.

Source: Cine Serie

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