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It’s what turns you into sleep deprivation – scientists have revealed ugly details

It’s no secret that constant lack of sleep doesn’t make anyone more beautiful or pleasant to talk to. And new research has also shown that a systematic lack of rest can cause a very unpleasant change in character, which cannot be corrected by simply lying down for a few days of rest.

If you sleep well, it not only benefits you, but also those around you!

Experts from the University of California at Berkeley have published a large study: they have collected evidence that people suffering from a constant lack of sleep or sleep disorders become… selfish! And it’s not a question of education or poor self-control: the lack of rest and recovery periods literally changes the brain.

Drowsy and drowsy study participants behaved very differently in situations requiring social interaction. sympathy or help. MRI monitoring has shown that systematic sleep deprivation suppresses brain areas responsible for empathy.

A separate experiment concerned the behavior of people during periods of transition to summer time: scientists collected data on this for 16 years. And they came to an unequivocal conclusion: the loss of even one hour of sleep led to a serious deterioration in the mood and condition of the subjects. They became depressed, insensitive to the suffering of others, and in situations requiring moral choice, invariably behaved selfishly.

Are you getting enough sleep?



At the same time, other studies prove that the ability to be generous and help others not only improves a person’s mental condition, but also their physical condition. So try very, very hard to adjust your lifestyle so that you have enough time to sleep.

Don’t take your phone to bed

Blue screen light overexcites the brain, and social media feeds block you meaninglessly. You lose precious hours of sleep and when it seems like you are resting, you are not resting at all! Read a book or magazine before going to bed – your eyes will close on their own.

think about nature

This advice may sound strange, but it really helps – sleep experts advise you to think of a splashing stream and the chirping of birds, imagine peaceful snowy expanses or play of light in the foliage of forests. A few minutes of such pleasant dreams – and you are already passed out. Check it out!

Follow the schedule

Yes, we are boring, but routine is a real salvation in difficult times. If you’re very busy and don’t have enough time to sleep consistently, set yourself a comfortable but clear behavioral schedule before bedtime. Take a few laps around the house, or a chalk bath, or whatever puts you in a peaceful mood (not your phone!). And, above all, follow this schedule and go to bed at the same (decent) time. You will notice a positive result in three to four days.

Source: The Voice Mag

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