Gil do Vigor suffers a homophobic attack after declaring support for the Sport Club do Recife

Gil do Vigor suffers a homophobic attack after declaring support for the Sport Club do Recife

Former BBB Gil do Vigor was the target of homophobic attacks this Tuesday (26/9) after expressing his support for Sport Club do Recife. Gil himself reported the case on his social networks, publishing a message from a user identified as Dermisom Ezequiel. “Sport is a male chauvinist club and always will be. Thanks to you, sport is becoming [motivo de] mockery of rivals”, wrote the internet user.

In an extension of the attack, Dermisom Ezequiel advised Gil to change his sexual orientation. “Go find a girlfriend, build a family and set a good example for the children. God forbid one of my children starts wearing these panties, I will take them off right now or go out. My family is a family that respects Christian values “, he said… The user also added: “And whoever comes to defend wickedness is a hypocrite, because no one wants it for their own child, but defends it for other people’s children, right?”

Gil’s response and fan support

“It hurts so much. The only thing I want is to do good, but the person comes to attack me. But I will stand firm with my pride!,” the former BBB said. In the comments, fans expressed support for the economist. “He talks a lot about God and Christian values, but he forgets the basics of love and respect for others,” said one user.

Positioning of sports clubs

Faced with the repercussions, the Sport Club do Recife issued an official statement repudiating the attack. “The insult does not represent the flags defended by Leão, based on plurality and space for all, without any distinction, in addition to the fight against violence”, reads the official statement from the football team.

Roberta Negrini, vice president of Inclusion and Diversity of the Club, also spoke: “Sport is an inclusive, mass, plural club. Our arms and our doors will always be open to all people regardless of race, sexual and religious orientation “.

Source: Terra

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