Virginia makes a big promise after the birth of her son: “I will…”

Virginia makes a big promise after the birth of her son: “I will…”

About to give birth, Virginia makes a big promise after the birth of her son, José Leonardo, and records it on social media; understand

On the night of this Tuesday 3, Virginia Fonseca used your stories Instagram to make a request related to Telethon, a donation program carried out by SBT. The influencer also made a promise.

About to give birth, Virginia he made a big promise after his third child, Jose Leonardoborn. In a video in the stories, the SBT host revealed that she wants to visit the Association for the Assistance of Disabled Children (AACD).

“Guys, I really wanted to count on your help to donate to Telethon. It’s a very important thing! There are so many families and people who need our help”, he started in the video. He also commented on the difficulty that the pix key is generating. “I’m looking for another way, which is simpler. When I have an answer about it, I’ll come here”concluded the influencer.

Furthermore, in the post, he wrote: “After my postpartum period, I will plan to go to AACD and show you. There are thousands of people and families who are served daily. But anyway, I am already asking for your support. We can do this and may God bless you always”.

Find out more from Virginia on social media:

Source: Terra

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