Gizelly thought “A Fazenda” was a continuation of “BBB”

Gizelly thought “A Fazenda” was a continuation of “BBB”

The lawyer leaves Record Game as one of the major antagonists of the edition and without the favoritism of the beginning

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One of the most popular figures of “BBB 20”, Gizelly Bicalho entered “A Fazenda” as a favorite. His journey during the reality show Record, however, soon demonstrated that the lawyer has not abandoned the Globo program in the past. It continued as if one were a continuation of the other. For his life, yes. For viewers, not even close.

In “A Fazenda”, Gizelly forgot to be as funny as in “BBB”. The memes he produced were all based on tense moments, like the moment he takes off his coat and screams when he comes face to face with Sacha Bali. EspĂ­rito Santo’s obsession with the actor, however, helped solidify the heartthrob’s favoritism. And this made her one of the great antagonists of the edition.

Desperate to show a strong personality, Gizelly got her foot in the door. She gave up the opportunity to maintain the popularity she achieved in Globo, but demonstrated that she considers herself superior to her fellow inmates by constantly recalling stories from the past and giving moral lessons as if she were an expert on the subject. I forgot that the game changes constantly. A shame.

You will have to review your entire narrative from the outside and course correct.

Source: Terra

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