Camila Pitania Presers on Menopause at 47: “Sustein libido”

Camila Pitania Presers on Menopause at 47: “Sustein libido”

In an interview with “Roda Viva”, the actress starts on menopause and strengthens the importance of 40+ women in society

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Camila Pitania opened the heart in an interview with Auctionfrom the Culture TVLast Monday (3), when it comes to a theme still surrounded by taboos: menopause. “I am 47 years old and I am already in this shot. I think it is now a naturalness to speak of the menopause that you did not have. I think this thing I can talk about menopause in all its aspects, right?he said.

During the conversation, the actress mentioned a book that helped her in this process. “It is from Miranda July, the four, who became fever and involuntarily I took the book on vacation, but even two friends were reading. We were waiting because we really wanted to speak, because she is wider: the 40+ woman has a very subject , there is a lot of life.

Camila also underlined the importance of watching women more carefully in this age group. “There is a lot of topic. It has a topic in the sphere of relationships, libido, how to support libido and how to live, because I feel that after 40 it is a new phase of rebirth of many women, rethinking a little: I want for stay with this type of family?

What is menopause?

Menopause is a natural milestone in women’s lives, reporting the end of its reproductive phase. Unlike men, who produce gametes for life, women are born with a certain number of eggs, which are eliminated at any menstrual cycle. Over time, this reserve ends, leading to the last menstruation and the beginning of menopause.

This process begins with premenopause, when hormones begin to oscillate, causing various symptoms, which can be more intense in some women and almost imperceptible in others. The climacteric, which includes premenopause, menopause and postmenopausal, can last years and requires special attention as it increases risks such as osteoporosis and cardiovascular problems.

The period usually occurs between 48 and 55 years, but when it happens in advance (before 40), it requires an even more careful medical follow -up. In addition, it is essential to maintain a regular gynecological follow -up, especially after 35 years, such as the actress, with exams such as annual mammography to monitor hormonal health and prevent risks such as breast cancer.

Source: Terra

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