Sophia Valverde radicalises the look and says goodbye to the blonde

Sophia Valverde radicalises the look and says goodbye to the blonde

The protagonist of Poliana Moça, the actress Sophia Valverde looks beautiful with a renewed look and surprises the web

The actress Sofia Valverde underwent a radical transformation after the end of the telenovela recordings Poliana Mocha, from SBT. The star said goodbye to the long blonde hair she used in the texture and showed off the change on social media.

Sophia Valverde appeared with short hair and said goodbye to light locks. The young woman dyed her curls dark brown and looked beautiful in the registers.

The transformation will be for a new project“, she said, without going into details. In addition, the artist said she was happy to be a brunette again: “I really liked the change. And I missed my hair almost of its natural color“, he concluded.

Check out Sophia Valverde’s new look!

Source: Terra

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