Alexandre Correa spends 300 thousand reals in two days with a special check, does not honor the debt and suffers yet another lawsuit

Alexandre Correa spends 300 thousand reals in two days with a special check, does not honor the debt and suffers yet another lawsuit

Ana Hickmann’s husband allegedly used a special check and bank cards to pay off other debts. Understand!

More information comes to light about the chaotic financial crisis faced by Ana Hickmann and Alexandre Correa! This Monday (20th), the Notícias da TV site, in a report signed by Daniel Castro and Li Lacerda, denounced the exorbitant expenses that the entrepreneur made in a short period of time on an account at the Caixa Econômica Federal.

According to the publication, Alexandre opened a Caixa account in September last year. Four days later, he made a transfer of R$99,800 using his overdraft limit. In the same week, another R$199,000 was transferred. The limit was R $ 300,000, that is, the businessman withdrew 99.6% of his overdraft in a few days.

In November, Alexandre paid R$22,000 into the account to pay off the interest on the overdraft. The following month another R$28,000 was added, again to pay off the interest.

However, Alexandre entered 2023 without depositing new amounts, which means that the debt of R$ 298,800 turned into R$ 394,735 (value reported in March) due to interest.


According to Notícias da TV, in addition to the special current account, Caixa provided two cards Alessandro Correa. The first had a limit of R$185 thousand. In just one day he used 97% of the limit at an electronic payment company, which indicates that the business owner may have used the amount to pay off another debt. Days later, Ana’s husband repeated the action with the second guy…

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Source: Terra

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