Almost no one noticed, but a major actor from ‘The Queen of Tears’ lost 8 kg during the series and completely changed his character

Almost no one noticed, but a major actor from ‘The Queen of Tears’ lost 8 kg during the series and completely changed his character

An all-time hit for Netflix, the drama “Queen of Tears” won over audiences with an enchanting love story, but a big change in one of the characters may have gone unnoticed by audiences.

The drama’Queen of tears‘is the new fever of the moment and, at the top of the most viewed productions in Netflix all over the worldconquered many people with surprising events from the first to the last episode, including a priceless wedding look R$ 100 thousand only in jewelry.

‘Queen of Tears’ is a K-drama tells the love story of Hae-in (Kim Ji-won), executive director of a company called Queens Group, and Hyun-woo (Kim Soo-hyun), legal director of the same company. In addition to the protagonists, the secondary characters bring equally interesting stories and details that are not even noticed by the audience.

This is the case of Hong Soo Cheolcharacter played by the actor Kwak Dong Yeon. In ‘Queen of Tears’, the artist plays the younger brother of the protagonist Hae-in, as well as being one of the executives of the Queen Group, the company where almost everything happens in the series.

Already seen in’Vicenzo‘, another great classic and hit with South Korean audiencesKwak Dong-Yeon had to undergo major transformations in his body to fit his character’s story.

Kwak Dong-Yeon lost 8kg during the “Queen of Tears” series.

Like a good South Korean drama, ‘Queen of Tears’ couldn’t help but be full of drama. To achieve this, Kwak Dong-Yeon had to go through major transformations in his journey as the protagonist’s brother, the first of which was the gain of 8 kg for paper.

“At first I gained weight to increase the difference, then I lost it again in Yongdu-r…

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Source: Terra

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