Paola Rojas appeared as a guest on the “Montse & Joe” program, where she addressed a rumor involving her boyfriend Marcelo Imposti and Montserrat Oliver.
The host explained how the speculation came about, which later turned into gossip about a possible love triangle.
It all started when Rojas asked his partner who she thought was the most beautiful woman. Although he initially reported the journalist, he continued to investigate until the answer was Montserrat Oliver.
“One day I was talking to Marcelo, my friend, and he said something like ‘how beautiful’. I asked him one of those questions that don’t go well, I told him “Who do you think is handsome?” He said “you”, I said “really? Tell me someone.” He calls me “Montserrat Oliver”“.
Paola Rojas said Marcelo met Oliver years ago at a gym, leaving him smitten ever since.
Given her partner’s statement, the journalist took her words with humor and recognized Montserrat’s beauty.
“When he came to live here, he saw you at the gym in Polanco and he never forgot it. With what he had and I told him ‘if it’s Monse no problem, you’re authorized and so am I,’ he said laughing.
After making this statement, Paola Rojas sparked speculation: “Monche has an impact and we were even gossiped about and we want to clarify that… With this gossip arose that if the threethe four of us are already happy.”
Montserrat Oliver responds to Paola Roja’s revelation
Montserrat Oliver smiled when she heard her colleague’s confession and said she was “honoured” to receive those words.
” I said, Pao, I like that compliment, very nice” said the presenter, who recalled that the rumors grew when He almost kissed Rojas on the mouth during an event.
“Then she arrived very beautiful when we threw away the jewelry and she arrived, I don’t know how you came to record and we almost kissed on the mouth.”
Paola Rojas joked about the incident: “Then I almost kissed the most beautiful girl in the world.”
The program shared images of Paola Rojas with her boyfriend Marcelo and Montserrat Oliver complimented them.
Paola replied with a laugh: “There’s the lucky one… Oh, you’ve already signed up, you already liked the idea. “It was about clearing up the gossip and it got more complicated.”
Yolanda Andrade joined the conversation with a sentence: “We’re adults, honestly If you like it in the future, don’t stay with the desire, it’s a trinity and that’s it,” he concluded.
Source: univision

Jason Root is a writer at Gossipify, known for his in-depth coverage of famous people in entertainment, sports, and politics. He has a passion for uncovering the stories behind the headlines and bringing readers an inside look at the lives of the famous. He has been writing for Gossipify for several years and has a degree in Journalism from UC Berkeley.