Pastor Manoel Pereira Xavier has announced that he will leave his position as pastor of the Assembly of God (Adeb) in Ceilândia, Federal District.
A controversy involving a leader of the Assembly of God Church is going viral on social media. It is this pastor Manoel Pereira Xavier announced that he will leave his position as pastor as coordinator because he was caught in a motel with Adeb’s “sister” from Ceilândia, in the Federal District.
The 51-year-old pastor began to be called “talaric pastor” by the faithful of the church, who were outraged and reported the case on social media. The “sister” in question is said to be married to another member of the church, hence the “nickname”.
After the discovery of the case, a message sent by the pastor in a WhatsApp group with faithful states that the decision to leave was a recommendation from his brother, the president of Adeb, Orcival Pereira Xavier. “According to the guidance of Pastor Orcival, I will leave the pastorate of the church of Ceilândia Sul and also the direction of Sector II,” Manoel wrote.
Find out why the Shepherd is called ‘talaric’
The pastor also called other members to a meeting at the Ceilândia Sul unit last week. Married for more than 30 years, Manoel’s betrayal was revealed in early June. An Instagram profile revealed that a man was suspicious of the priest’s constant visits to his ex-wife’s home and, therefore, decided to report the suspicions as early as April. Wow!
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Source: Terra

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