‘What life gives her…’: Gilberto Gil reflects on his daughter Preta Gil’s health

‘What life gives her…’: Gilberto Gil reflects on his daughter Preta Gil’s health

Gilberto Gil analyzed the troubled moment that his family is going through with the discovery of the return of cancer in Preta Gil.

Gilberto Gil , to whom he also gave surprising advice Preta Gilreflected daughter’s health status. Recently, he revealed that the cancer had returned in four places in his body, after months of remission. This Monday (2), the father of the voice of ‘Signs of Fire’ spoke with the editorialist Marcos Bulquesfrom Conexão Entrevista, and opened his heart about the troubled moment.

Gilberto Gil reflects on the health of Preta Gil

“Everything will be fine anyway. We will all be here (on earth) for a period. Her period will be whatever life will give her. Evidently there is this natural desire that this [a vida] prolong. We want him to live a long time and he will live as long as he has to live. That’s how it will be,” said the artist, present at the launch event of the book ‘Meu Lance é Poesia’, by the late Cazuza.

Gil also philosophized about father-daughter love. “Love is more than natural, spontaneous, it’s obligatory, it’s genetic, there’s this DNA thing, the genetic code, daughter, right? It’s a mandatory love, but beyond that it’s representative of the human being, of this existential condition of the human being. So, if it were another person, probably the original feeling of love would also be directed at her, directed at her, but in this case it’s a daughter, so it’s not like that. It doesn’t even matter,” he added.

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Eight months after announcing his victory over cancer, Preta Gil announced that he needed to undergo cancer treatment again. In…

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Source: Terra

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