Globo takes drastic action during Carnival after Sabrina Sato loses her baby; understand

Globo takes drastic action during Carnival after Sabrina Sato loses her baby; understand

After Sabrina Sato loses her baby to Nicolas Prattes, Globo changes Carnival strategy; understand everything

This week, Sabrina Sato she lost the baby she was expecting with her boyfriend, Nicolas Prattes. She had a miscarriage and was treated in Sao Paulo, at the Albert Einstein hospital, which confirmed the information to the press. Now Globo is thinking of recalculating the route it had mapped out for the presenter during the Carnival. According to F5 the broadcaster had to suspend negotiations for the Sabrina’s Carnival, program showing the marathon of ex-Records such as Drum Queen of Vila Isabel, in Rio de Janeiro, and Gaviões da Fiel, in Sao Paulo.

The mother of Zoe I would have a very visible belly in February, the month of the national holiday. Therefore, Vênus Platinada planned to create content that showed pregnant women enjoying Carnival safely and happily. But the operation was suspended by the broadcaster out of respect for the loss.

Sabrina Sato she has not yet expressed her opinion on the matter, but her family has already created a public support network for the presenter. Your mother, Kika Satoexpressed support, stating: “All in God’s timing” While Karina Satohis sister also thanked his fans for their affection: “How beautiful! Thank you so much for so much love.”

Sabrina he was hospitalized on the night of November 5th Israelite Albert Einstein Hospitalwhere, according to a medical note signed by Dr. Emerson Barchi Cordtsgynecologist and obstetrician, it was confirmed that the pregnancy was not progressing. The presenter was discharged on Wednesday morning (6), according to the statement.

The doctor analyzes the leak

Sabrina Sato lost the baby in the 11th week of pregnancy; the artist had shared on her social networks that she was pregnant by her boyfriend, the actor Nicolas Prattesand ended up suffering a miscarriage. In an interview with CARAS BrazilDoctor Warns of Pregnancy Complications After Celebrity Loss: “Every situation is unique“, he says.

According to the expert, genetic and chromosomal changes are among the main causes of miscarriage. “With advancing age, the risk of errors during the cell division of the eggs increases. These errors can cause chromosomal changes in the embryo, such as trisomies (example: Down syndrome), which are often incompatible with healthy embryonic development”he says.

Source: Terra

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