Marina Ruy Barbosa’s boyfriend reported by her father and the actress involved: ‘Parasite’

Marina Ruy Barbosa’s boyfriend reported by her father and the actress involved: ‘Parasite’

Marina Ruy Barbosa’s boyfriend, the entrepreneur Abdul Fares tries to have his father banned in court and is sued by the founding partner of Marabraz

Jamel Faresone of the founding members of Marabrazhe’s suing his son, Abdul Faresthe boyfriend of Marina Ruy Barbosa. Since the lovebirds live together, the redhead was named in the lawsuit after her lady love tried to banish the patriarch, citing health issues.

According to Folha de S. Paulo, the trial is taking place under judicial secrecy in the district of Simões Filho, in Bahia. Having discovered the heir’s trick, the veteran counterattacked him in court, accusing him of ideological falsehood.

Jamel’s defense described Abdul as “ungrateful and a parasite”, criticizing his exorbitant lifestyle. “There is nothing more painful for a father than finding himself forced to criminally prosecute his own son”we read in the complaint filed on Tuesday (10) in the 2nd Police District of Barueri (SP).

Marina Ruy Barbosa was named in the trial

Furthermore, Marina Ruy Barbosa was also named in the lawsuit filed by the founding partner of the furniture store. The businessman bought a ring worth about 6 million reais for the actress with company money. According to Jamel’s lawyers, Abdul spent a total of more than R$22.5 million in personal expenses.

Marina Ruy Barbosa lives with her boyfriend

Marina Ruy Barbosa revealed a surprising change in his relationship with Abdul Fares. The former Globo entrepreneur confirmed, this Monday (9), that she lives with her boyfriend and that he currently lives between Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo.

In an interview with LeoDias portalthe actress confirmed that she lives with her boyfriend and the decision was made during the recording of the telenovela Fuzuêclosed last year. “Yes, yes… You have to take a test drive, right?”he joked.

Source: Terra

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