BBB 25: Gracyanne Barbosa may receive a court summons on the reality show

BBB 25: Gracyanne Barbosa may receive a court summons on the reality show

With trouble in court, Gracyanne Barbosa may soon receive a summons into the BBB 25 house

BBB25 begins its journey already surrounded by controversy, with Gracyanne Barbosafitness muse, confirmed in the cast and facing a lawsuit for embezzlement. In July 2024, Gracyanne and her ex-husband, the singer Beautifulwere reported by the Public Prosecutor’s Office, accused of having unduly retained objects from a rented property, including a washing machine, a hydromassage motor and a water filter worth R$ 2,000.

The accusation, which also involved Nelson Trajano de Ataideformer partner of Beautifulcan result in a prison sentence of up to four years, in addition to compensation. The legal action has acquired new contours with the entry of the art Gracyanne actually making it difficult for the process to progress.

From the beginning of the case, the Court encountered difficulties in formalizing the subpoena Beautiful AND Gracyanne. The previous summons was requested to be quashed in December 2024 after a court official failed to follow legal procedures in an attempt to notify the former couple. Reports indicate so Beautiful he was sleeping and Gracyanne he refused to receive the subpoena under the guidance of his lawyer. With the nullity, the process was withdrawn and new notification attempts began this year.


The confinement of Gracyanne in BBB25 creates a new obstacle for Justice, which is now looking for alternatives to move forward with the trial. The influencer’s participation in the reality show could not only delay legal proceedings, but also influence public perception of the case. The media exposure of Gracyanne in the program has the potential to divert attention from the judicial aspects, adding a level of complexity to the issue.

Meanwhile, the third accused in the case, Nelson Trajano de Ataidehis case was closed due to his death. Justice continues to look for a solution to sue Belo and Gracyanneensuring that both can present their defences. The current reality TV participant may end up receiving a call-up to the most followed house in the country.

Source: Terra

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