Ketogenic diet: restrictive eating plan that prohibits carbohydrates and even fruit is the body secret of Sasha, Giovanna Antonelli and more

Ketogenic diet: restrictive eating plan that prohibits carbohydrates and even fruit is the body secret of Sasha, Giovanna Antonelli and more

Discover the ketogenic diet: a favorite among celebrities, this eating method raises controversy among experts because it is super restrictive

Many people wonder what celebrity body secret and, a lot in addition to aesthetic procedures and of physical exercisesmost of them are dedicated different dietswhich can be more flexible, like those of Sofia Carlottaor restrictive, as is the case with ketogenic dietwhich won over many celebrities.

Known for being low in carbohydrates, the ketogenic diet is quite restrictive and its main pillar is to promote a low carbohydrate dietincreasing your consumption of foods with sources of protein and good fats, according to the lunchbox website Liv Up.

Its name comes from the word “ketosis” which means “burning fat as a form of energy”. So, the ketogenic diet works for people who want to lose weight, as the body, in the absence of high levels of carbohydrates, begins to look for other sources of fuel, promoting a reduction in body fat.

What is prohibited and allowed on the ketogenic diet?

Known as one of the most restrictive dietsthe ketogenic diet provides a series of requirements for those who wish to follow it. Between the permitted foods they are lean meats, such as chicken and fish, eggs, cheeses [não processados] and healthy oils, such as extra virgin olive oil and coconut oil. Additionally, you can use salt, pepper, herbs and spices as seasonings.

Nuts and seeds, such as almonds, pumpkin seeds, chia and flaxseeds, and some fruits, such as avocados and berries, can also be consumed. You need to pay attention to…

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Source: Terra

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