They are responsible for maintaining the vital parts of the body, but must be present in the diet in a balanced way.
Adequate protein consumption plays a vital role in maintaining health, contributing to the building and repair of tissues, the synthesis of enzymes and hormones, the strengthening of the immune system, among other essential metabolic processes. To keep your body properly nourished, it is very important to include the adequate amount of this macronutrient in your daily meals.
This is because consuming it in excess can be harmful to your health and can overload organs such as the kidneys and liver, increase calorie intake and contribute to weight gain. “We have to take into account the other protein-rich foods we consume throughout the day, and when added together, they may end up exceeding the daily recommendations for this nutrient,” explains endocrinologist Deborah Beranger.
So, below, check out the tips on how to consume protein correctly and without overdoing it!
1. Set your daily consumption
Taking into account your weight, gender, level of physical activityhealth goals and with the help of a health professional, define the ideal amount for the correct consumption of proteins within your body’s needs.
“The recommendation is for a sedentary person to consume approximately 0.8 grams of protein per pound. Those seeking hypertrophy and muscle mass can consume 1.2 to a maximum of 2 grams of protein per pound, depending on needs individual. […]”, says Dr. Deborah Beranger.
2. Supplement when necessary
Protein supplementation plays a crucial role when it is difficult to meet daily nutritional needs through conventional nutrition. “Protein supplements may be indicated when protein intake is insufficient, in cases of recovery from injuries and surgeries, and in cases of sarcopenia and loss of muscle mass, when there is an increased requirement due to physical activity,” he says the nutritionist Dr. Marcella Garcez.
3. Eat convenient meals
Include quick snacks with protein in your routine. This will help with macronutrient intake and satiety throughout the day. “Dairy and protein products, for example, bring together combinations and formats that can surprise and add more flavor to your menu or just your busy routine. They also help diversify your options. By adding ingredients to food, such as nuts, seeds and fruits, it is It is possible to enhance the nutritional properties and vary the diet”, says nutritionist Liz Galvão.
4. Plan your meals
Planning your meals is essential to consuming the adequate amount of protein. So make sure every meal contains a source of protein. This helps maintain stable energy levels, promotes satiety and aids muscle recovery. “It also prevents you from eating anything or even stopping eating, which is not ideal,” says Liz Galvão.

5. Consult a professional
Despite the different information we can find on the Internet, it is very important to talk to a healthcare professional. It will help correct diet and define the best way to consume proteins based on your routine.
“Only a doctor can carry out a nutritional assessment, taking into account factors such as age, weight, sex, height, family health history and intensity of physical activity, to recommend the ideal amount of protein for your body and the way best to ingest without putting your health at risk”, underlines Dr. Marcella Garcez.
6. Monitor your consumption
Once you’ve determined how much you need to eat to keep your body properly nourished, use tools like meal tracking apps and pay attention to food labels. This will help you track your protein intake.
7. Use different sources of protein
There is a variety of foods high protein content. To avoid getting stuck at meals, choose lean meats, fish, poultry, eggs, beans, nuts and seeds. Varying your options not only makes meals more interesting, but it also ensures you get different nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals and healthy fats.
8. Hydrate properly
Consuming protein requires more water from the body, as protein metabolism generates byproducts, such as urea, that must be eliminated by the kidneys. Staying well hydrated is essential to promote the transport and excretion of these compounds, protecting the kidneys and ensuring the body’s balance.
Additionally, adequate hydration aids in the digestion, absorption and transport of nutrients. It is advisable to distribute liquid consumption throughout the day, giving priority to pure water, and increase intake on days of greater protein consumption, intense physical activity or dry weather.
9. Combine protein consumption with fiber consumption
Incorporating fiber into your diet is a key strategy for optimizing protein digestion and absorption. Al fibers They help the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, stimulating bowel movement and preventing disorders such as constipation, which can be aggravated by protein-rich diets. Furthermore, fibers slow down digestion, promoting a more gradual release of energy and increasing the sense of satiety, contributing to appetite and weight control.
10. Avoid excessive consumption
Very high amounts of protein can overload organs such as the kidneys and liver, which work to metabolize and eliminate byproducts of protein metabolism, such as urea and ammonia. This overload can increase the risk of kidney problems, especially in people with predisposition or pre-existing conditions.
Raquel Siqueira, professor of Nutrition at the Faculdade Anhanguera, warns of the negative effects of excessive consumption of proteins, especially of animal origin rich in saturated fats and cholesterol. “The buildup of fatty plaques in the arteries increases the risk of heart disease, such as atherosclerosis, hypertension and coronary heart disease. It is recommended to prioritize lean protein sources and maintain a balanced diet preserve cardiovascular health, especially among older adults,” he says.
Source: Terra

Ben Stock is a lifestyle journalist and author at Gossipify. He writes about topics such as health, wellness, travel, food and home decor. He provides practical advice and inspiration to improve well-being, keeps readers up to date with latest lifestyle news and trends, known for his engaging writing style, in-depth analysis and unique perspectives.