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Bruna Griphao did not undergo rhinoplasty due to lack of courage; BAPS demystifies common fears of surgery

The Brazilian Association of Plastic Surgeons (BAPS) has demystified the main fears people have in relation to rhinoplasty

Recently, actress, model and singer Bruna Griphaoparticipant in the current edition of Big Brother Brasil, revealed that he had already had his nose filled to change its shape, but was not happy with the result.

“It got bigger than it already is, huge. I stuffed it to make it straighter and it came out horrible”, said during the program. Even before entering the most guarded house in the country, she Bruna had already expressed her discomfort with her nose and she had also said that she intended to undergo a rhinoplasty, but she lacked the courage.

Fear of the operation could also be one of the factors that led to the actress’s dissatisfaction with the result of applying the filler to her nose.

“It is very common that, in trying to achieve a result that would only be achieved through plastic surgery, there is an overdoing of the injectable fillers, causing facial deformities”emphasizes the plastic surgeon doctor Daniel Lobo Botelhopresident of BAPS (Brazilian Association of Plastic Surgeons).

And Bruna is not alone. Many people are still afraid of undergoing plastic surgery, mainly caused by the spread of misinformation about surgical techniques and procedures. To help in such cases, the Brazilian Association of Plastic Surgeons (BAPS) demystified the major fears people have in relation to plastic surgery. Watch:

Quality of the result – One of the major concerns of patients is precisely with regard to the result of plastic surgery, as many fear that the final effect is too artificial. However, plastic surgery can provide extremely natural results, provided it is well indicated. Therefore, BAPS recommends seeking a duly qualified professional to carry out the procedure.

“It is the duty of the plastic surgeon to work in the best possible way to provide a result as close to natural as possible, maintaining the aesthetics of the face and avoiding that the face loses its natural expression. of the patient’s entire facial aesthetics before recommending surgery specific”, reiterates Dr. Daniel Lobo Botelho.

Also, to avoid surprises, the patient’s expectations regarding the result must be realistic, which can be resolved through a frank dialogue with the plastic surgeon about the limitations and possibilities of the procedure in question.

Anesthesia – Anesthesia is among patients’ greatest fears. But BAPS cautions that this terror is, in most cases, based on outdated ideas from an era when knowledge of anesthesia techniques was poor, leading to inadequate anesthetic procedures.

“It is clear that any surgery has some kind of risk, but anesthesia has been one of the medical areas that has evolved the most and, today, anesthesia is a medical procedure of maximum safety, provided it is performed by qualified professionals. In addition, it is important to point out that the fact that someone you know has had problems with anesthesia should not be a cause for concern, after all every organism is unique and reacts differently to different anesthetic substances”says the president of BAPS (Brazilian Association of Plastic Surgeons).

Healing – The appearance of surgical scars can cause great discomfort to patients, becoming an impediment for some people to perform invasive procedures. However, BAPS points out that qualified and experienced plastic surgeons will always do their best to make the scar as inconspicuous as possible. But it’s important to keep in mind that some procedures require larger incisions and therefore form more visible scars.

“During the healing period, it is essential to pay close attention to the operated area, as this is a delicate process where any alteration can damage the final appearance of the scar. Therefore, keep the scar clean and dry to avoid infection, avoid making efforts, strengthen the site’s hydration and do not leave the region exposed to the sun, as solar radiation can stimulate the skin’s pigment-producing cells, giving the scar a dark appearance”recommend the Dr. Daniel Lobo Botelho.

Recovery – The postoperative period is another factor that causes great fear when it comes to plastic surgery due to the generally required rest and the complications that can appear at that time, such as swelling, bruising and bleeding. To face this moment safely and ensure the best result, BAPS reinforces the importance of faithfully following the doctor’s recommendations.

“Every plastic surgery has a different healing process, so the most important thing is to stick to the recommendations given by your doctor before surgery. If in doubt, ask the responsible professional instead of searching the internet, which is full of information that can put your health at risk”, concludes the president of BAPS (Brazilian Association of Plastic Surgeons).

Source: Terra

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