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And sleep-rest: 5 surprisingly useful and very simple habits

It turns out that the steps to true success and productivity can be very simple. For example, do you like and know how to sleep? Already good. There are still a few important skills to master.

Most of the actions we perform without thinking, automatically: this way our brain saves energy. Once formed, habits persist for years. If we cling so much to routine, why not turn it to our advantage?

Sleep well

Whatever your accomplishments, lack of sleep will easily undo them. Ariana Huffington, a well-known journalist and co-founder of The Huffington Post newspaper, was convinced of this the hard way. In 2007, she passed out in the office, hit herself on the fall and woke up on the floor in a pool of blood. A few weeks ago, she worked too hard and only slept three or four hours a night.

“So I discovered the truth that my mother, without formal education, without scientific and medical knowledge, understood intuitively all her life”, writes the journalist in her book The Sleep Revolution. “Sleep is a key part of our well-being.”

Adults need 7-9 hours a day to sleep well.

life hack

What if you can’t sleep at night?


  • Remove the screen. Light from smartphones and computers inhibits the production of melatonin, the sleep hormone. Two hours before going to bed, put your gadgets aside and read a paper book instead.
  • Make it colder. For us to fall asleep, the body’s core temperature must drop by 1°C. Don’t forget to ventilate your room well at night.
  • Stop disabling the alarm! Rearranging it “for another five minutes” puts a lot of stress on your heart and nervous system. It’s best to get up immediately after roll call: you don’t want to, but you have to.

Set big goals

Sometimes so many problems accumulate that it seems impossible to deal with them – what dreams are there.

“There are always solutions. You just can’t see them if you’re overwhelmed by the mass of detail,” says neuroscientist Alex Korb in The Ascending Spiral. Dealing with daily challenges is easier, he writes, if you define your “big” life goals first. There shouldn’t be many: start with one or two, but really the most important ones.

life hack

How to set goals and work towards them

  • Be extremely specific. Instead of “it would be nice to go somewhere”, write down exactly what places you want to visit and what you will do there.
  • Break a big task into small ones. For example, finding a new job is hard work. But if you set yourself intermediate tasks (send two CVs a day), it will be much easier.
  • Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. “It is impossible to always make the right decisions,” writes Alex Korb. “But it will be your decision.” The goals you aspire to may be unattainable. But the very fact that you put them in front of you gives a sense of control over life, reduces anxiety and increases self-confidence.

Read books

Microsoft founder and former CEO Bill Gates reads about 50 books a year. Actress, activist and UN Goodwill Ambassador for Women’s Rights, Emma Watson runs her book club on Goodreads. Reading is a more effective way to cope with stress than music, coffee or even a walk, researchers at the University of Sussex have found. Moreover, it is, albeit indirectly, linked to income: according to the OECD, the European countries with the highest share of readers (Norway, Sweden, Denmark) are also among the countries with the highest per capita incomes .

life hack

How to read

  • Do not spray. Choose one or two topics that interest you and find a few new books on each one.
  • Don’t worry if you move slowly. Regularity is more important than speed. Even if you only read one chapter each day, by the end of the year you’ll have around 50 books in your “wallet” – no less than Bill Gates!
  • Read complex texts on paper. As a 2013 study in Norway found, the very feel of pages under your fingers boosts comprehension and retention. Scientific and educational literature is best mastered in printed form.

Remember there is a time for everything

Our ability to choose is not the same throughout the day – and it is highest just in the early morning. And as we make many small decisions throughout the day, “mental fatigue” sets in. This is why we often tend to act hastily and recklessly at the end of the day (yes, morning is wiser than evening, and that’s a scientific fact).

life hack

How to make the best decisions

  • Release in the morning. Make a habit of packing your clothes and planning your breakfast in the evening. This will free up the morning for the really important things.
  • Avoid serious conversations with loved ones in the evening – there is a greater chance of not understanding each other and quarreling. Problems will seem smaller and resolved faster in the morning.
  • Be careful around strangers towards the end of the working day: your ability to think critically is weakened at this time. This is used by experienced scammers who call at six in the evening to report on behalf of the bank that your card is in danger and convince them in every possible way to tell them the code from the SMS.

rest wisely

Holidays and weekends help to earn money. And busy, successful people are well aware of this paradox. Aside from the obvious things like sports, travel, and family time, they often love the outdoors, and for good reason.

Living in concrete walls with artificial light has a detrimental effect on the psyche and health. Aggression, attention deficit disorder, even depression – all of these can be caused by “nature deficit syndrome” (the term was coined by journalist Richard Lowe for his book “The Last Child in the Woods”).

In Japan, there is the concept of “shinrin-yoku”, which means “to wash in the forest” or “forest bathing”. This practice involves leisurely walks among the trees – without difficult goals, compulsory routes or step counting. The effectiveness of the method, despite all its simplicity, is very high: according to Australian researchers, just 30 minutes of “forest bathing” once a week already reduces pressure and the risk of depression. In California’s national parks, there are even certified specialists who teach tourists about relaxation under the crowns of giant sequoias.

life hack

How to connect with nature without going anywhere

  • If you don’t have an ancient grove of redwoods nearby, start with short walks through a city park or public garden on your way to work.
  • When you walk through the alleys, turn off your mobile phone for at least a moment so that nothing distracts you.
  • Do not forget the tactile impressions: touch the bark of trees, the moss on the trunks, the surface of the leaves, and you will feel rested and full of energy.

Text: Maria Novosiltseva

Source: The Voice Mag

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