Are you from Ma-a-asqua, or what?  Take the test and find out how much Muscovite you are!

Are you from Ma-a-asqua, or what? Take the test and find out how much Muscovite you are!

Let’s see who you are: a native Muscovite, “who has been coming in large numbers for a long time” or a girl who hasn’t forgotten anything in this Ma-a-square of ours!

Are you from Maaskva, or what? Take the test and find out how much Muscovite you are!


Good morning! Moscow never sleeps, but you seem to have overslept for work! What does that mean, anyway?

Shit! It’s already 7:30 a.m., I’m leaving at 8 a.m.! No time for shampoo, makeup and styling! All is lost !

Yes, it doesn’t mean anything: I’ll write to the boss that I overslept, it’s business

That means I watched the show until 5am, and since that’s the case, you can say sick and watch this season

Think! I lie that I got stuck in a traffic jam!

How can you oversleep at work?

Source: The Voice Mag

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