10 things not to do when washing floors: the opinion of cleaning service employees

10 things not to do when washing floors: the opinion of cleaning service employees

Remember the old joke about the husband killed for walking on freshly mopped floors and the police officers who didn’t dare enter the crime scene until the linoleum was dry? Do you think the advice “don’t walk on wet surfaces” will be included in the list of tips from professional cleaners?

There are people who like to cook. There are also those who like to iron. But cleaning floors is a completely different story: few people like carrying a bulky bucket of water from room to room. However, cleaning experts agree that you should mop regularly, and they also believe that there are common mistakes when cleaning floors that make the task more tedious – here are the ones that make their top 10.

Do not vacuum the floor before washing it

10 things not to do when washing floors: the opinion of cleaning service employees

Guess what happens when your mop gets stuck with food crumbs and pet hair? That’s right, the floor will be covered in a thin, sticky layer, which will only make it dirtier.

“You probably don’t want that kind of result, so always start vacuuming. If you skip this step, the water you use will instantly become dirty. And don’t vacuum without prior preparation: remove objects from the floor that could be lifted by the appliance and check the trash bag: it should not be more than two-thirds full, advises the cleaning expert and author of Simply Clean: “I tested a method to maintain order, cleanliness and beauty in the house in just 10 minutes a day” Becky Rapinchuk.


Using too much water

Do not oversaturate floors with water – this is the second recommendation of all professional cleaners. “Excess liquid can warp the wood and cause the laminate to bubble. Water can get into cracks and damage the back of floorboards, says Melissa Homer, lead cleaner for Microfibre Wholesale. “Do not use a damp cloth or mop: the first sign that it is too wet will be puddles left on the floor.”

To avoid soaking your floors for too long and too much, tidying coach and author of The Joy of Green Cleaning Leslie Reichert advises using a mop with a wringer and a rinse bucket—not only will this prevent you from flooding your floors or your laminate floors, but also avoid ruining your manicure by constantly touching a dirty cloth.

Use old-fashioned mops

According to Homer, cotton rags and sponges are completely unsuitable for cleaning floors and will hold up to fewer cleanings before they start to deteriorate. Research shows that microfiber mops collect the most dirt and bacteria (99.5%) from floors.

Using too much soap

Soap is a real dirt magnet. If even a little moss remains on the ground, a drop of moisture is enough for dust and debris to stick tightly to it. “If you don’t want to overdo it, pay attention to the instructions for use: they are placed on the label for a reason. I have repeatedly seen people washing their floors with washing powders – you should not do this, it is better to purchase a special product for a specific type of coating. Never use strong, harsh cleaners designed for plumbing when cleaning your floor, or you could damage it,” says Homer.

Cleaning water-hazardous floors

Block parquet, parquet boards and untreated wood cannot withstand water. Marble, although so durable in appearance, is actually porous and is therefore best treated with dry steam. Lacquered and oiled floors do not tolerate frequent contact with water – when washing, the cloth must be carefully wrung out.

“If floors are sensitive to moisture, they should be vacuumed or swept regularly and special products used to clean them. Also, do not use a hard brush or metal sponge on delicate surfaces – abrasives can leave scratches there, ”says Maria Streamer, director of a company that produces cleaning products.

Skip rinsing

do not leave wet traces of cleaning products

“Do not leave wet marks from cleaning products if you use them. Cleaning floors is less about applying soapy water and more about removing it. The foam collects dirt and dust: you have to remove it, otherwise it will dry back, undoing all your work,” explains Melissa. She advises not to skip rinsing, even if the label says so, or your linoleum or laminate flooring could become dull or leave streaks.

Wash the wrong way

Improper movement path is another common mistake when washing floors, according to Rapinchuk. You need to start the procedure from the corner farthest from the door and move towards it gradually – this way you will not step on wet surfaces and drive yourself into a corner. “Also, don’t skip areas and corners when cleaning the floors: visually divide the room into small sections and go through each one thoroughly,” recommends Becky.

Do not wash the mop head

Do not use dirty water to clean your floors. This is obvious advice: we all know it won’t make them any cleaner. But how many housewives remember that cleanliness of not only water, but also mop is important? “Rope and sponge baits are real germ factories because they can’t be completely cleaned and take forever to dry,” says Melissa. What to do? According to Homer, you should find an accessory whose cloth can be removed and washed in the washing machine at 60 degrees for an hour – this will remove dirt and bacteria.

Store the mop in the closet

Placing a bulky bucket and mop in an apartment so that they do not interfere and spoil the interior is not the easiest task. However, according to Maria, using a closet for storage is a big mistake: it slows down the drying process and creates a breeding ground for mold. What to do if there is no place other than the closet? In this case, Maria advises drying the bucket and nozzle first, and then hiding them.

Also Read: What to Add to Water When Washing Floors to Make It Shine and Smell Fresh

Wash floors too rarely

It is very easy to find a reason not to wash the floor, but too long breaks lead to excessive accumulation of dust and dirt and it is impossible to completely remove them during washing. “Make cleaning your floors regular – only then will it be effective,” advises Streamer. The frequency of washing the floors depends on your lifestyle: if you live alone and never enter a room with shoes on, then, according to Homer, once a month is enough, but in a house where there are young people children, dogs or cats, the floors must be washed at least once a week.

Source: The Voice Mag

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