An American Cancer Society (ACS) study of racial disparities in cancer incidence and mortality focuses on data regarding the disease’s greatest victims
A study carried out by American Cancer Society (ACS) on Racial Disparity in Cancer Incidence and Mortality focuses on a troubling fact: Black women die the most and have the lowest survival rate from the disease. The numbers are close to the diagnoses of white women, and researchers have delved deeper into trying to understand why.
Cancer study
To achieve this goal, the entity wants to recruit more than 100,000 black women from the United States. The age can vary between 25 and 55 years. Doctor Alpa Patel is a research scientist and senior vice president of Population Science at ACS. Participants will be followed for 30 years. Therefore, scientists will establish partnerships with communities of Black women and experts in the field. Finally, the objective is to understand the experiences that may be linked to the risk factors and these women.
“The new study represents a crucial step toward achieving health equity in a population that has long been underserved. The data we discovered through previous population studies have been critical in reducing the unacceptably high burden of cancer, but this reduction Unfortunately, it has not been the same. By centering the voices and experiences of Black women, we can further uncover the unique challenges and barriers that contribute to cancer-related disparities and develop personalized interventions to mitigate them.” says Patel.
Recruitment for the study initially began in October last year, in just two US cities. This time, the reach will be broader: The national rollout will expand registration to more municipalities where more than 90% of the country’s Black women live, according to the U.S. Census.
Cancer in black women
Black women are more likely to die from most types of cancer in the United States, according to ACS data. Additionally, they live shorter lives after diagnosis than any other ethnic group. To give you an idea, in the case of breast cancer, for example, black women died 41% more often than white women.
For the researchers, the initial conclusion is that access to early diagnosis occurs for 67% of white American patients and for 57% of black women.
Both PRS77 and PRS313 are capable of stratifying individuals based on their #Breast cancer risk in the Czech population.
— ACS Journal Cancer (@JournalCancer) May 10, 2024
Source: Terra

Ben Stock is a lifestyle journalist and author at Gossipify. He writes about topics such as health, wellness, travel, food and home decor. He provides practical advice and inspiration to improve well-being, keeps readers up to date with latest lifestyle news and trends, known for his engaging writing style, in-depth analysis and unique perspectives.