My wife wants to sleep in separate rooms;  this is not good?

My wife wants to sleep in separate rooms; this is not good?

She says her husband snores, but he wonders if this means a loss of interest

Doctor, my wife asked us to sleep separately because I snore too much. I was insecure. Does this mean she’s losing interest in me?

No, we see more and more couples choosing to sleep in separate rooms due to possible differences. One prefers a warmer temperature, another a colder temperature, one snores too much and the other moves too much. All this can end up altering the quality of sleep and this is very negative the following day and also damages the couple’s emotional relationship.

The separation of bedrooms, which some call “sleep divorce”, means that people sleep better and, the next day, can invest more in their activities and even in the quality of the relationship.

Sleeping apart doesn’t mean your relationship is over. I’m sure you will discover some great moments to enjoy intimacy alone.

Us, from the site Doctor Jairo, we have joined the campaign for the victims of the Rio Grande do Sul floods and we invite you to help too. See how:

Government of the State of Rio Grande do Sul – SOS Rio Grande do Sul account (Pix: CNPJ: 92.958.800/0001-38) –

The post office they received and transported donations for free – – tel for information: 0800 725 0100

Central only favelas (Cufa) – PIX: –

Airports in Brazil (ABR) published on their Instagram the list of airports that receive donations for RS –

NGO Grad Brazil collected donations to help save animals – PIX: 54.465.282/0001-21 –

Source: Terra

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