Discover the astrological characteristics that can lead to anxiety and flower suggestions to reduce symptoms
Anxiety is a general term for several disorders that cause nervousness, fear, apprehension and worry. There are many ways to do it control anxietysuch as meditation, exercise and natural therapies, but flower remedies are also recommended for each sign.
Based on Astral mapAstrologer Vanessa Tuleski and Personare founding partner Carolina Senna have identified the astrological profiles of the signs which could mean a tendency toward a type of anxiety.
The topics have been organized according to the astrological characteristics that can lead to such anxiety, along with suggestions for improving the scheme and indicating the respective floral essence.
Flowers for every sign
Haste, agitation and irritability
People who are always frantic, in a hurry and tend to be impatient. Life in big cities is usually hectic, but these people make haste a habit.
- Astrological profile prone to this type of anxiety: people with the Sun, Ascendant or Moon in Aries, as well as Mars or Uranus in the 1st House. Many planets in the element of Fire (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) or Air (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) can also generate this type of anxiety.
- Suggestion for improvement: practice physical activity, organize your commitments better, thinking carefully about each appointment, show up early for appointments so as not to always be in a hurry and avoid factors that trigger irritability (such as excessive closeness to someone with whom you always argue and stress).
- Recommended flower essences: Impatiens, the flower of impatience, irritability, explosiveness and haste. It is a purifying floral that, in some cases, can make the person more agitated in the first few days, but the goal is to calm and reduce impatience. Verbena can also have a calming effect on people with a more dynamic, imposing and convinced character. Beech reduces intolerance in those who are very critical.
- How to use: you can drip two or three drops of the floral essence under the tongue, holding the liquid for a while before swallowing, 4 times a day (upon waking up, before or after lunch, in the late afternoon and before going to sleep).
Achieving goals and performance
These are people who are under pressure professionally, often also in their personal lives (having to take care of children or relatives), and who are always anxious to get the job done.
- Astrological profile prone to this type of anxiety: Also Ascendant, Sun or Moon in Capricorn or Virgo, Saturn in the 10th House. Too many Earth elements in the chart (Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn) can generate this type of anxiety. Many planets in the 10th house.
- Suggestion for improvement: organization, determining what they will do during the week, respecting sleep and time limits, and understanding when to delegate tasks.
- Recommended flower essences: Elm, for overworked people, helps to cope better with pressure and also to organize. Oak is the typical essence of the exhausted warrior, who thinks he will always make it and has been exhausted for a long time. Walnut, the self-protective essence, to reduce permeability to environmental pressures. White Chestnut for those who cannot sleep, with a restless mind. Centaury, for those who have difficulty setting limits. Beech reduces intolerance in those who are very critical of everything. Vine for those who are becoming a tyrannical boss, father or mother, but also for those who need to demand respect and authority.
- How to use: you can drip two or three drops of the floral essence under the tongue, holding the liquid for a while before swallowing, 4 times a day (upon waking up, before or after lunch, in the late afternoon and before going to sleep).
Vague fears
It is an anxiety caused by indefinite fears and apprehensions, and perhaps negative fantasies about the future, but which generate a lot of anguish.
- Astrological profile prone to this type of anxiety: Ascendant, Sun and Moon in the signs of the Water element (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces), Neptune in the 1st House, Sun or Moon in conjunction, square or opposition with Neptune.
- Suggestion for improvement: conventional and alternative therapies, meditation, self-knowledge (astrology, numerology) and use of flowers.
- Recommended flower essences: Aspen, for vague fears. Walnut to reduce permeability and environmental influence. Gentian for any discouragement and pessimism. And for those who are very worried about their loved ones, to the point of consuming them in some way, the essence is Red Chesnut.
- How to use: you can drip two or three drops of the floral essence under the tongue, holding the liquid for a while before swallowing, 4 times a day (upon waking up, before or after lunch, in the late afternoon and before going to sleep).
- It’s a very common anxiety in the age of communication apps and social networks. “Everything at the same time now” generates anxiety and makes it difficult to organize.
- Astrological profile prone to this type of anxiety: Ascendant, Sun, Mercury and Moon in Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.
- Suggestion for improvement: have moments to disconnect from social networks and stimuli. Discipline yourself to start and finish activities.
- Recommended flower essences: Impatiens, for excessive agitation. White Chestnut to clear the mind that does not want to stay still. Clematis, for the dreamy profile to connect more with the here and now and transform ideas into actions. Elm is used to improve organization. Centaur, to be firm in the limits you want to apply.
- How to use: you can drip two or three drops of the floral essence under the tongue, holding the liquid for a while before swallowing, 4 times a day (upon waking up, before or after lunch, in the late afternoon and before going to sleep).
It is a major cause of anxiety. Guilt often goes hand in hand with perfectionism.
- Astrological profile prone to this type of anxiety: Ascendant, Sun and Moon in Capricorn, Saturn in the 1st House, Saturn in the 10th House, conjunction, opposition and square of the Sun or Moon with Saturn.
- Suggestion for improvement: work on the concept that you can make mistakes and be fallible. Learn to be more understanding with yourself.
- Recommended flower essences: Rock Water, for perfectionists. Pine, for the eternally guilty. Mariposa Lilly, from the Californian floral system, brings a welcoming feeling to those who have had a tougher and more difficult relationship with their mother, and for this reason they expect a lot. Centaury, for those who have difficulty setting limits.
- How to use: you can drip two or three drops of the floral essence under the tongue, holding the liquid for a while before swallowing, 4 times a day (upon waking up, before or after lunch, in the late afternoon and before going to sleep).
It is an anxiety factor, as it bogs down life and creates internal pressure.
- Astrological profile prone to this type of anxiety: Ascendant, Sun and Moon in Gemini and Libra. Neptune in 1st House.
- Suggestion for improvement: understand how the process of indecision disrupts your life. Seek therapies and resources that can help you get out of long periods of indecision.
- Recommended flower essences: Cerato, to listen to the inner voice. Scleranthus, for those who often find themselves in the balance between two options. Walnut, to not be so permeable to external influences. Clematis helps to break out of inertia. Wild Oat for those who do not know the way and are lost between different options. And Rock Water for indecision which, in the end, is due to great perfectionism. Indecisive people who are afraid of making mistakes should take Mimulus to objectively deal with their fear and the consequences of their decisions.
- How to use: you can drip two or three drops of the floral essence under the tongue, holding the liquid for a while before swallowing, 4 times a day (upon waking up, before or after lunch, in the late afternoon and before going to sleep).
Subject that does not depend exclusively on the person
Anxiety about some matter that does not depend solely on the person or about something that depends on him, but that he cannot see clearly. Love life can generate a lot of anxiety. The health problem of a person close to you. Family problems.
- Astrological profile prone to this type of anxiety: No, as there are different situations.
- Suggestion for improvement: increase your understanding of life through therapies, philosophies, courses and readings. It may be worth a consultation Astrology, Numerology OR Tarot which helps to understand the moment and the person himself.
- Recommended flower essences: Abundance, from the Saint Germain system, believing in the abundance of life. White Chesnut to eliminate excessive thoughts. Chestnut Bud to break repetitive patterns that you find yourself trapped in. Gentian, to reduce pessimism. Hornbeam, if everyday life has run out of color and stimulation. Clematis to conquer those with excessive idealization and lack of attitude. Aspen and Mimulus can help with fears. Cerato to connect with inner wisdom.
- How to use: you can drip two or three drops of the floral essence under the tongue, holding the liquid for a while before swallowing, 4 times a day (upon waking up, before or after lunch, in the late afternoon and before going to sleep).
The mail Flowers for every sign against anxiety appeared first To personify.
Vanessa Tuleski (
– Vanessa Tuleski offers astrological-therapeutic consultations and was a pioneer of Brazilian astrology by talking about the general Sky, instead of the traditional horoscope sign by sign. She is the creator of the course “Food and its astral map” on Personare. She participates in the weekly astrological forecast programs on the Personare YouTube channel.
Source: Terra
Ben Stock is a lifestyle journalist and author at Gossipify. He writes about topics such as health, wellness, travel, food and home decor. He provides practical advice and inspiration to improve well-being, keeps readers up to date with latest lifestyle news and trends, known for his engaging writing style, in-depth analysis and unique perspectives.