She delayed taking birth control; Should you take the morning after pill?

She delayed taking birth control; Should you take the morning after pill?

The follower says his girlfriend took the pill within the manufacturer’s recommended time frame

Doctor, my girlfriend and I have sex without a condom, but she uses contraceptives. It turns out that in the last week she has not taken it at the usual time. But she said she took it within a period set by the contraceptive itself. Should we use the morning after pill?

No. If you have taken the contraceptive within the period indicated on the leaflet, you are protected. The ideal is to always take it at the same time so as not to forget it.

But if you took it a few hours later, and this is provided for by the gynecologist’s instructions, or those of that contraceptive, you are protected and there is no need to take the morning-after pill.

It is important to understand that each contraceptive, due to its characteristics, its dosage, has a time limit in which it is allowed to delay without greater risks for the protection from unwanted pregnancies. But if you are at the limit, everything is fine.

@jairobouer The limit of the pill 🚨 #jairoresponds #doubt #advice #jairobouer #curiosity #health #health #behavior #relationship #pregnancy ♬ original sound – jairobouer

Source: Terra

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