I am a triathlete and I feel tired and sore in my body

I am a triathlete and I feel tired and sore in my body

What can explain the sudden onset of these symptoms?

Doctor, I am a triathlete and I feel tired and sore in my body. What could it be?

If you are a triathlete, your body is used to quite strenuous loads of physical activity. If at any moment you start to feel pain and tired, something is wrong.

What could be bad? First of all, you may have a health problem that hinders your physical activity. For example, you have an infectious disease, the flu, a metabolic disorder and this can increase the feeling of tiredness and pain.

Another thing that can happen is the overtraining. Overtraining can cause a variety of symptoms, including pain and extreme fatigue.

My advice is to consult your doctor for a general evaluation and to speak with a physical education professional to better measure your training.

Source: Terra

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