Psychologist explains how voters can consider this moment and maintain ties with family and friends
The 2024 elections are generating political friction and division, causing ruptures in family and social relationships.
With the start of the 2024 elections, this year’s first round is causing friction with diverging political positions in relation to the country and the state, in some places. However, it is from here that joy or revolt emerges to the surface, leading many people, when explaining their political choices, to argue and even break relationships, for example with family and/or friends.
For psychologist and professor of Psychology at Universidade Cruzeiro do Sul, Regiane de Aquino Ribeiro Serralheiro, the 2018 elections were marked by the narrowing and shaking of family and social relationships, in general. But this scenario began to emerge from the events of 2016 and its aftermath, in which opposing ideas and positions created a great chasm between different thoughts.
However, Regiane stresses the importance of political discussions, as long as they occur in a healthy and respectful way.
“Respect and tolerance for those who are different must be present, but while preserving fundamental democratic values. Allowing ourselves to step out of the bubble and evaluate our positions is important, as is understanding that sometimes we can be wrong. Recognizing that individuals can change their opinions, that being different is not an enemy to be fought, and recovering essential and human values are healthy elements for our development,” he says.
According to Regiane, the damage caused by broken relationships can be observed through the distance itself.
“Suffering and stress can be exacerbated by radicalization, as well as by the stimulation of hatred towards those who are different, but it is important to highlight that some relationships, already fragile, may have been strengthened by this moment and their breakdowns have been accelerated. To reconcile a relationship that has broken down, both parties must be willing to exercise tolerance,” she advises.
“Political struggles and separations arise from the difficulty of listening and dealing with what is different. Intolerance towards divergent thoughts does not correspond to the democratic process, which is very important and must be protected at all costs,” explains the teacher.
To avoid this type of situation, the psychologist says that individuals should not take everything for one side, that is, understand that everyone can be wrong. For Regiane, it is necessary to carefully analyze the positions and deny fake news.
“Reducing hate speech where opponents are enemies is an essential exercise. Recognizing that we are endowed with different feelings such as anger, love, among others, makes us human and, in extreme situations, we can direct our hatred towards something or someone,” he emphasizes.
Finally, Aquino states that “dialogue, fighting fake news and exercising tolerance can be a path, as long as both parties allow it, since appreciation implies a dispute between two groups that are not willing to dialogue, because they are convinced of their positions. As long as the adversaries are seen as enemies, the groups close themselves in their bubbles, making the differences even more irreconcilable. Unfortunately, there may be situations in which reconciliation is not possible at this time; in this case it may be important to donate time, respecting each person’s moment and also understanding that some situations may be irreversible”.
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Source: Terra
Ben Stock is a lifestyle journalist and author at Gossipify. He writes about topics such as health, wellness, travel, food and home decor. He provides practical advice and inspiration to improve well-being, keeps readers up to date with latest lifestyle news and trends, known for his engaging writing style, in-depth analysis and unique perspectives.