These 5 Phrases Can Improve Loneliness For Those Who Feel Lonely. “It Brings a Feeling of Peace and Tranquility,” Says Psychologist

These 5 Phrases Can Improve Loneliness For Those Who Feel Lonely. “It Brings a Feeling of Peace and Tranquility,” Says Psychologist

See the phrases that will help you when you feel lonely and sad. Words can bring comfort in times of anguish.

THE loneliness It brings a feeling of helplessness and anguish because we feel isolated from the world around us. You don’t have to be alone to do it. feeling alone. This feeling can become present from the moment we do not identify with the environment in which we live or we are unable to have deep relationships with other people.

However, our thoughts have great transformative power. With this in mind, we have separated some statements from people who have expressed their thoughts on the subject loneliness. The following phrases can bring hope and learning in times of suffering:

Learn more: Are Social Networks Increasing Our Loneliness? Experts Say

1. “Imagination is our best friend against loneliness.”

For psychologist Wanessa, imagination stimulates our creativity, which becomes a resource to express our feelings. The brain does not differentiate between a real thought and an imaginative one, so everything that happens in our head is psychologically interpreted as reality.

“When we think about a sad memory, we experience physical symptoms such as changes in breathing and heart rate,” explains the specialist. However, it is possible to do the opposite. By using our imagination to create images that remind us of good times, we can feel comforted in difficult times.

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Source: Terra

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