If you walk 30 minutes every day, you can lose up to 3,900 calories in a month

If you walk 30 minutes every day, you can lose up to 3,900 calories in a month

Physical activity not only helps burn fat, but also stimulates creativity, increases stamina, among other benefits

Walking is one of the most practical and simple exercises. All you need is your body, gym clothes, a pair of sneakers and a place to walk. And, contrary to what many say, walking helps you lose weight, as long as it is done frequently and combined with a balanced diet.

Do you walk for how long?

According to the magazine “Medicine and science in sport and exercise”Experts recommend walking 30 minutes a day at a moderate pace, for a total of about five kilometers, or seven, if you prefer a faster pace. It is worth remembering that everything also depends on age, height and weight, since no body is the same as another. And, to find out how many calories you would burn doing this type of physical activity, just do a specific calculation.

According to the vehicle, a 70-pound person walking five kilometers in 30 minutes would burn 133 kcal through this count: 0.029 x (your weight x 2.2) x walking time. Therefore, by following the instructions, you can lose between 130 and 150 calories per day, up to 3,900 per month.

Other advantages

On the other hand, burning fat is not the only benefit, since it also prevents overweight and obesity, prolongs life expectancy, increases cardio-pulmonary and cardiovascular resistance, reduces the risk of heart attack, improves metabolic activity, strengthens muscles and the immune system, as well as stimulating creativity.

Walk in nature

Furthermore, if you combine the walk with a park or a place with nature, it will improve your attention. People tend to distance themselves from stressors and focus their attention beyond the phone screen. Understand more.

Source: Terra

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