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Playlist: 57.5% of Brazilians like music during sex

Favorite genres include funk and MPB; understanding how listening to music during sex can “heat up” the relationship

Find out the reasons to bet on that powerful playlist right now

Last week Miess published the poll “Brazil: the country of sex”. Made with the aim of map the country’s sexual behaviorthe result found was quite interesting: 57.5% of respondents said they love music during sex, that is, they are people who have their “love playlist” for the hour H.

According to the survey, the preference for listening to music during sex comes mostly from heterosexual and married people, especially women. It was also possible to find out favorite genres of those who like to venture into bed with that little sound in the background. Take a look below:

  • 25% prefer funk;
  • 17% opt for Brazilian popular music (MPB);
  • 7% love rock music;
  • 4% enjoy that suffering;
  • 3% bet on samba;
  • 2% as forró.

Listening to music can spice up your relationship

A 2018 study conducted on Deezer audio streaming and a British dating company (Tracey Cox) revealed that 92% of Brazilians believe that music can improve performance during sex. Furthermore, it was also possible to note that, for 52% of the respondents, listening to that special playlist is better than drinking wine when it comes to foreplay.

This because the beats of the music begin to dictate the rhythm of the relationship, thus making everything much more enjoyable. In fact, the musical rhythm of what you listen to can boost creativity in bed … So it’s a great way to go wild within four walls.


Another experience experienced by those who usually listen to music during sex are the flashback. Do you know when a couple has a notable song for the relationship?

This is the idea! But just in case, listening to that special song, you will remember warm moments experienced to the sound of a very special song! In other words, it’s worth a try next time, right?

Source: Terra

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