Advice from Benzedeira: abracadabra and the cure of spells

Advice from Benzedeira: abracadabra and the cure of spells

Who among you as a child did not hear or say the word “abracadabra” so many times? Discover the healer’s advice here

In games, cartoons, school plays, and even clowns’ performances at the circus, “Abracadabra” was part of a magic formula to invoke the help of benevolent spirits to fight disease and have good luck. The word itself is an almost universal sign of the supposedly impossible.

Abracadabra and healing spells

Abracadabra first appears more than 1800 years ago as a magical remedy for fever. As such, a potentially fatal development in an era before antibiotics and cases of people experiencing malaria symptoms.

In the 2nd century AD in a book entitled “Liber Medicinalis“(Medical book), was written on an amulet containing a parchment on which the magic word “abracadabra” was engraved, to be placed around the patient’s neck.

In detail it says that the word “Abracadabra” was written in the next lines, but in a downward-pointing triangle, with one less letter each time:

The inscription would then consist of 11 lines and the fever would disappear.

Spells and antiquities

It has been said since Greek times that writing variations of a word in a downward-pointing triangle formed a “bunch of grapes” would be the oral incantation that repeated and belittled the name of an evil spirit. Furthermore, these spirits were believed to cause illness, and both versions of the abracadabra spell supposedly could cure fevers and other various ailments.

Abracadabra, a word that could:

Avoid the bad things

Prevent infections and diseases in general

Ward off the possession of an evil spirit


First, boil 1.5 liters of water and add basil, mint, rosemary, paprika and a bay leaf. If the herbs are dry, boil for 5 minutes; if they are fresh, boil for three minutes. Then add the petals of a yellow rose.

Now count to 10 and turn off the water. Simmer for 20 minutes and let the water become colder than hot. Subject to tension. Then replace the petals with pasta tongs, without touching them. Then add seven drops of lavender.

After the hygienic bath, pour the energy bath on your head, letting it fall over the entire body. Then collect the petals with pliers or plastic, without touching them. Place all the herbs and flowers in the plastic bag and throw them in the trash. If you have a tight character, distribute herbs without plastic, of course.

So, think about your desire and the feeling in your heart. On a white sheet of paper write the spell Abracadabra, in successive lines, but in a triangle facing downwards, with one letter less each time: the inscription consists of 11 lines.

Until our next meeting!

“Being a Benzedeira is a philosophy of life and our religion is love”

Chris Meinberg (@benzerbemser)

Sensitive Medium, Soul Mission Therapist, Teacher of Benzimento Ancestrality, Protection, Self-Knowledge and Spirituality, Energy Baths, Sacred Cups, Gypsy Magic and Benzimento Courses for Babies, in person and online.

Blessing every first Sunday of the month for all needs, for adults, children, newborns and the elderly.

Benzedeira of Terra do Bugio São Roque, Communicator of VibeMundial FM and Astral TV

Source: Terra

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