If you want your child to eat well into adulthood, you need to include these 5 habits in his introduction to food

If you want your child to eat well into adulthood, you need to include these 5 habits in his introduction to food

Tips for creating a healthy diet from an early age and helping your child develop good habits that will last a lifetime.

Get children to eat vegetables and other healthy foods It’s not always an easy task, but it’s essential not to give up. This is because the habits we cultivate during childhood have a significant impact on food choices in adult life.

If your goal is for your child to grow up healthy and develop a good relationship with food, it is essential to establish good habits from the first months of life, still in the introduction of food. It’s not about strict rules or banning all foods that contain sugar, but about adopting practices that help form a more varied palate and a positive relationship with food.

Read more: If you want your child to be your friend during adolescence, you must practice these 5 habits from childhood

Habits that will keep your child eating well into adulthood

Ensuring that children develop a healthy diet from an early age takes work, but it’s worth it. According to pediatrician Daniela Anderson, the secret is everything give priority to natural foodsrespect consistencies and involve the child in the food learning process. Check out the essential habits below to create a balanced routine that your child will carry with them for a lifetime:

1. Offer real food

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See also

High chair: the best models to introduce your baby to food

The importance of correct food intake in the child’s immunological window

Introduction to food: what is it and how to get started?

8 healthy recipes for newborns that help with the introduction of food

4 important changes that occurred during the introduction of food

Source: Terra

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