Bread with jaboticaba crust: learn the recipe and discover the benefits

Bread with jaboticaba crust: learn the recipe and discover the benefits

Unicamp researchers have developed a bread enriched with jaboticaba peel flour, which results in a softer glycemic point, benefiting those who need control

The researchers of Unicamp has developed a bread enriched with jabuticaba peel flour, which results in a softer glycemic point, benefiting those who need control. So, discover the benefits and the recipe for reproducing it at home.

Benefits of bread with jaboticaba crust

To talk about the benefits of bread with jabuticaba crust, let’s start with the main ingredients. Jabuticaba is rich in phenolic compounds, in particular anthocyanins, which have antioxidant properties. And the inclusion of fruit flour increased the antioxidant capacity of the bread.

Furthermore, oxidative stress – linked to metabolic diseases and aging – was reduced and the feeling of satiety lasted longer, controlling hunger and contributing to weight control. Finally, foods with a lower glycemic index gradually release glucose into the blood. This helps avoid peaks and declines of the substance.


If you feel like making bread at home, we found a recipe on ‘Course‘. Check:


  • 500 g of wheat flour
  • 10 g of organic dry yeast
  • 10 g of salt
  • 50 g of sugar
  • 250 ml of warm water
  • 100 g of fresh jabuticaba
  • 100g dehydrated jabuticaba


Wash the fresh jabuticaba and place the dehydrated ones in a bowl of water to hydrate for about 30 minutes. First mix the wheat flour, yeast, salt and sugar in a large bowl. Then add warm water. Using your hands or a wooden spoon, mix everything together to form a balanced mixture. If it becomes dry, pour water. If not, add more flour.

Place this dough on a floured surface. Knead it for about ten minutes, until it is smooth and elastic. Add fresh and dehydrated jabuticaba. Mix until all the fruit is incorporated. Now place the dough in a large bowl, cover it with a damp cloth and let it rest in a warm place for an hour or until the dough has doubled in volume. Knead again to eliminate the air. Shape the dough as you prefer and bake in a preheated oven at 180ÂșC.

Bake for about 30-40 minutes, or until the bread is golden brown and makes a hollow sound when lightly tapped on the bottom. Finally, let the bread cool until just before slicing it.

Source: Terra

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