Does eating more eggs to increase muscle mass work? Understand

Does eating more eggs to increase muscle mass work? Understand

Eggs are a food very rich in proteins, which naturally increase muscle mass. However, excessive consumption is contraindicated

Eggs are among the favorite foods of athletes and bodybuilders. After all, each unit of food contains about 6 grams of protein, a nutrient that helps in the repair and development of muscles. But does increasing your food intake really help you gain more muscle mass?

According to Dr. Marcella Garcez, nutritionist and director of the Brazilian Association of Nutrology, caution should be used when consuming large quantities of food.

How many eggs should you consume per day?

“Recommendations for egg consumption will depend on a number of factors, such as gender, weight, height and intensity of physical activity. But, in general, it is recommended that an adult eats 1 to 3 eggs per day, regardless of physical exercise,” warns the doctor.

Any value above this number must be monitored by a trained professional. This is because consuming too many eggs can pose health risks.

“Including changes in the lipid profile, as egg yolk is rich in cholesterol, weight gain, due to the calories contained in foods, and changes in kidney filtration due to protein overload, which can also lead to stone formation kidneys”, warns Dr. Deborah Beranger, endocrinologist, with a specialization in Endocrinology and Metabology at the Santa Casa de Misericórdia do Rio de Janeiro (SCMRJ).

This does not mean that you should stop consuming eggs, as they are a food very rich in proteins, as well as a wide variety of vitamins. Furthermore, food is a great ally of the immune system.

“The recommendation is for a sedentary person to consume approximately 0.8 grams of protein per pound. People seeking hypertrophy and muscle mass can consume 1.2 to a maximum of 2 grams of protein per pound , depending on individual needs”, underlines Deborah.

According to her, in addition to the egg, we must take into account the other protein-rich foods that we consume throughout the day and which, when added together, can end up exceeding the daily recommendations for this nutrient. After all, every diet must be diversified and we should not look for a single option as a source of nutrient.

Other options for gaining muscle mass

Fortunately, there are other foods that contain equal or even higher amounts of protein than eggs and can therefore serve as alternatives to supplement your diet. Options include: red and white meats; fish; oilseeds; Quinoa; milk and dairy products.

Dr. Deborah Beranger also points out that animal-based proteins, such as red meat, fish, and chicken, have greater bioavailability. That is, they are better absorbed by the body.

“Proteins of plant origin, on the other hand, have a lower bioavailability, their absorption occurs in smaller quantities. Therefore vegan patients, who do not consume proteins of animal origin, should eat a greater quantity of foods rich in animal origin, such as walnuts, broccoli, almonds, quinoa, lentils, chickpeas and oats”, advises the endocrinologist.

Finally, Dr. Marcella Garcez emphasizes that the most important thing for those who want to increase protein consumption to increase muscle mass is to seek a specialized professional.

“Only a doctor can carry out a nutritional assessment, taking into account factors such as age, weight, sex, height, family health history and intensity of physical activity, to recommend the ideal amount of protein for your body and the way best to ingest without putting your health at risk”, concludes the doctor.

Source: Terra

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