Understand how the skin is after removing filling and botox

Understand how the skin is after removing filling and botox

Look how some precautions are important to keep it beautiful and healthy

In recent years, the injectable aesthetic procedures, such as dermal filler and botulinum toxin, have become popular to improve beauty and prevent signs of aging. However, a new trend has attracted attention: the reversal of these treatments.

According to Dr. Talita Pompermier, Dermatologist, CEO of the Pompermaier Institute, vice -president of the Brazilian Society of Dermatology of Mato Grosso, after removing the filling, the skin can have a decrease in the volume in the treated areas, with consequent more “flat” appearance or less cumbersome. As for botulinum toxin, muscle activity gradually returns, leading to the return of the lines of expression and wrinkles that have been softened by the treatment.

“The removal of the filling can give the feeling that the skin is more flabby, especially if the filling has been used to increase the volume in areas such as cheeks, facial outline or lip. In addition, the skin may seem temporarily less firm after removal, but this does not necessarily mean that an accelerated aging has occurred. Calculation can be more evident in patients who already have signs of aging, “explains the doctor.

Return to the natural state

The time required for the face to return to your natural state varies from person to person. Usually, after removing the filling, a few weeks can be needed to adapt to the skin and the natural volume returns. For botulinum toxin, the effect usually lasts from 3 to 6 months and the return time to the original state can vary according to the quantity and position of the treatment.

“In some cases, the removal of the filling can lead to asymmetries, especially if the filling has been applied in a non -uniform way or if the dissolution has not been performed uniformly. It is essential that these are crucial procedures Being performed by qualified professionals to minimize these risks “, adds Dr. Talita Pompermier.

After removing the procedures it is important to hydrate the skin

Skin care after removing the filling

After the removal, Dr. Talita Pompermaier highlights some treatments that we recommend that they maintain the quality of the skin:

  • Hydration: use moisturizers Suitable for skin and drinking a lot of water to maintain hydration from the inside;
  • Solar protection: Apply sun protection every day to protect the skin from UV damage;
  • Care routine: Follow a cure routine that includes cleaning, toning and nutrition;
  • Healthy nutrition: A rich antioxidant diet can help in skin health.

Also, if the skin already has signs of skin aging, the doctor highlights the importance of performing the stimulus procedures collagenLike laser, microfock ultrasound, monopular radio frequency and chemical stimulators such as calcium hydroxiapitis, polylactic acid, pdrn (polidexiribonucleotide).

“It is usually sure to redo the procedures after removal, provided that an adequate interval is respected and that the skin is in good condition. It is important to consult a qualified professional to evaluate the situation and discuss their expectations and the best time to restart Treatments. “concludes Dr. Talita Pompermier.

By Jessica Danne Moura

Source: Terra

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