Doctor Guides Black Gil Care after putting the definitive colostomy bag: “greater possibility”

Doctor Guides Black Gil Care after putting the definitive colostomy bag: “greater possibility”

In fighting cancer, Preta Gil has put a definitive colostomy bag; The singer recovers from a 21 -hour surgery

The singer Black Gil (50) He deals with the treatment against colon -termination cancer and has undergone a long surgery at the end of December. Gradually, he shared moments of healing with his fans. On social networks, the star said he had put a definitive colostomy bag on the abdomen.

Last year, the artist had to be hospitalized twice after receiving the diagnosis of the kidneys. In an interview with Caras BrasilThe nephrologist Henrique Carrascassi Notice of Black Gil Care after positioning the definitive colostomy bag and what is the report of the definitive equipment and the urinary system.

On social networks, the singer detailed: “I’m getting used to my colostomy bag. Yes, this time I had to put a definitive and non -provisional colostomy bag.” reported prete Gil. According to the expert, patients who use the colostomy bag should be aware to avoid dehydration.

“These patients have greater possibilities for dehydration, and here the kidney problem arrives. If you let a patient dehydrate a lot, dehydration can be serious, you have kidney failure. Scholarship debt”, clarifies.

The nephrologist explains that, with the colostomy or the bag of ileostomy, intestinal transit, the colon will no longer pass. A part of the intestine that absorbs liquids and minerals. Since Preta Gil had previous problems in the kidney region, dr. Henrique Carrasi says that the singer must pay attention to the diet to avoid being dehydrated.

“He has to make a very balanced diet, with nutrients, foods rich in liquids, foods rich in nutrients, so that his body can absorb [os nutrientes] Before arriving in the bag in the bag, his body can absorb in other parts of the intestine. So this is the greatest problem of this colostomy or ilostomy surgery, dehydration. It needs rigorous monitoring of renal function so as not to develop kidney failure “ Dr. Henrique concludes when analyzing the case of the singer Preta Gil.

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Source: Terra

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